Chapter 19

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"It happened three years ago......."

I observed the picture in my hand then stared at the boy standing a few feet away. It was him, he was the last person in my father's room before he died. I crumpled the picture in my hand before pushing it in my pocket. 

His name is Luke Reeves, lived here all his life, both his parents are cops, he isn't uptight but more laid back. He's on the honour roll, all his classes are advanced and he's single. 

I rolled my eyes at the last piece of information I got from my new friends. They thought I had a crush on him, I didn't deny it so they won't suspect any other intentions but good towards their friend. 

I've been watching Luke for the past month, he hasn't done anything worth seeing so far but I've hacked his computer and phone. He has plans this evening, plans that made him lie to his parents about his whereabouts. 

You may think that it's nothing that he's gonna hang with his friends but no, he's not. He told them that he can't make it to their party today, he has an important family dinner. So either he has another group of friends that both his parents and friends are unaware of, this piece of intel is my best shot at getting revenge.


"I tracked his phone to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town......."

I watched as he exited his car and walked into the building, waiting for a few minutes, I followed him inside. With my gun drawn, back up in my jacket pockets, knives stored under my selves and boots, I surveyed inside. 

My eyes were keen as I glanced to and fro, listening for any footsteps, I made my way down a hallway, taking a right as the tracker showed. I continued my trek until I came to a stairway. My tracker indicated that he went downstairs.

I started my descent down, gun raised in front of me, safety off, I wasn't taking any chance. Reaching the bottom, I come to an intersection, the tracker showed that Luke continued straight. I was about to go when a scream sounded. It came from my left. 

"What did you do?" Ryn asked stopping me.

I looked at him before turning to glance at my reflection, my face held a blank expression but my eyes showed the answer to his question.

"I followed the scream," I told him.

It was a difficult decision to make but I followed the scream to my left. Slowly walking down the corridor, keeping my ears and eyes keen on the surroundings, I came to a sort of lockup. The smell was horrible, my eyes teared up. Breathing through my mouth, I paused listening for any sound of movement. 

Some whimpering came from my left, moving quietly, I peered into the door since it was ajar. There was a girl about my age lying on the ground, cowering from the guy standing in front of her, he had something in his hand, it looked like a whip.

"Come on baby girl, I need you to tell me what you know, where are your parents," he said to her. 

She raised her head, staring into his eyes with defiance but there was still fear in them. She answered him.

"I do not know, if I did, I would never tell you," her words clipped.

"Well then, hope they like the box were gonna put your box in," he replied to her pulling out his gun.

I stepped inside quietly, his focus was still on the girl so he didn't hear me come in but the girl saw. I walked closer to the man slowly, my gun still trained on him.

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