Chapter 20

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"Hey guys thanks for meeting me," I told them as I walked into the coffee shop.

Matthew, Annabelle, Samantha, Derek, Caleb and Wesely were seated at the table. I messaged the group stating that I wanted to meet them, it was time to say goodbye.

"Sure no prob," Matthew replied with a smile, I returned his smile and sat down.

"Okay, I called y'all here to tell you that I'm leaving today," I paused, observing their reactions, the wins already knew so it was funny to see them act surprised but the others were shocked by my news.

"I'm sorry, I wished I could have stayed longer but I realized that the reason why I came here was to run away from my problems and it's time for me to face them head-on," I told them honestly.

"Oh, well when you put it like that," Annabelle smiled at me, "good luck, I hope you get your desired results," she finished.

"Yeah, and if you need any muscles, I'm just a call away and I'm sure Matt will tag along," Derek said causing Matt to punch him.

"We'll miss you, even though we barely hung out, I know that we'll miss you a lot, don't forget to text and visit us soon and as Derek said, don't hesitate to ask for help," Matthew told me his smile sad but genuine, everyone nodded to what he said.

"Guys, don't make me cry," I told them, feeling tear building up in my eyes.

I know that I just met them but they're the second set of people that accepted me without asking about my past, they took me in based on the person I am and I'll be grateful for their friendship.

We continued to talk, sharing past memories of times together, I told them stories of the twins, letting them that I knew them from before.

I had a great time with them, I'll truly miss them. It was one when I left the cafe, driving to the saloon, I'm taking a stand and I need to do it as my true self.


It was three when I arrived at the base, ready for the trip back home. I walked up the stairs towards Rae's room, I went in without knocking.

"Hey, you ready to leave?" I asked her seeing that she was on her laptop.

"Yeah, just finishing off this email for one of my classes and let's go," she said turning around to stop.

Her eyes widen, her mouth opening a bit as she took in my appearance.

"What did you do to your hair?" She asked me, shock etched onto her face, she came closer moving her hand towards it but pulling back.

"I didn't get snake attachments for sure, you can touch my hair girl," I told her laughing a bit, she still circled me with awe.

My hair that was naturally brown, then red during my rebellion phase, then blonde in my regret phase is back to red but a different shade.

It starts off black by the roots then goes into a wine/burgundy colour. I love it so much and it screams me, I may be an introvert to certain people but those who know me, know that I'm a spitfire a force to be reckoned with and I'm going to show Luke that he messed with the wrong girl.


We stopped at a motel since we all were tired from driving, it was minutes to midnight when we checked in, we were about two hours from my town.

We got to the rooms, Rae and I went into one room and Oryn and Wesely went into the other. We decided to sleep till five then head out so we can make it when school starts.

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