Chapter 18

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"Who's Kayden?" Ryn asked me again placing the plate of food on my desk.

I remained silent as I stood up from the floor. He came over to me placing his hands on my shoulder and repeated his question.

"Who is Kayden, Wick? You need to answer me," I stared at him, his eyes searching mine, he wanted an answer but I couldn't give it to him. I can't reveal the secret that I've kept for three years.

"Please tell me that it's not what I think it is, that something happened causing this Kayden who is stopping you from getting involved," he pleaded his gaze still locked on mine, I ducked my head trying to avoid his gaze.

"This happened three years ago?" He asked me quietly, I nodded at his question.

"I'm going to kill that bastard," he snarled, my head snapped up in surprise.

"No it was my fault, I wasn't careful..." I started to say but he cut me off.

"It's not your fault Wick, you were wronged, violated, don't blame yourself," he told me pulling into a hug.

I pushed back confused by what he said then it dawned on me.

"No Ryn, I wasn't... Nuca didn't rape me. I'm very much intact," I told him.

"Then who's Kayden?" He asked confused.

I sighed, my shoulders dropping as I sat on my bed, "Kayden's my brother, my twin actually," I told him.

"How? I knew you from very young, there was no Kayden," he stated sitting next to me.

"You moved next door to Rae when you were eight, two years after we lost Kayden well we thought we did," I told him.

"We were six when we were kidnapped, someone had a vendetta against Rae's dad and mine, someone from their past, so they hired the Hunters to kidnap us, Rae, Kayden and I. We knew that something was wrong and Rae being very stubborn tried to verbally fight the people that took us, she got one hard slap on her face. Kayden got upset at this that he rushed the man when he was distracted and grabbed his gun. Knowing Rae's dad and our granddad, we knew how to shoot a gun, so he shot him in the arm," I paused as I smiled sadly at that memory.

"He always said that he would protect even if it took his last breath, he would protect. And it did, the other guy that took us cane in, grabbed Kayden and took him to their boss. We don't know what happened but they locked us in there. We stayed there for a week, then the worst happened, there was an incident in one of their labs since we were in of their bases, so a fire broke out. We thought that we were gonna die. We screamed for help but no one came, it smoke started to come through the door, Rae and I huddled in the corner together, hoping that someone would come," I closed my eyes tightly trying to remove the memories racing across my mind, I felt a hand on my shoulder, opening my eyes I glanced up to see Ryn with a sad smile.

"You don't have to finish," He told me, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I smiled at him but shook my head, "I need to." I told him before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"The room was consumed with smoke, we were coughing and on the verge of passing out, Rae's head was on my lap, her eyes struggling to stay open. I begged her to hang on a bit longer but she couldn't. I felt myself losing consciousness, then shouts were heard, trying to fight it off, I shouted for help but my voice was soft, my throat hoarse from my previous shouts," I stood up.

"I knew that I need to get their attention, so I looked around the room and saw a discarded metal pipe. I placed Rae's head on my the ground and crawled over to the pipe. The door was also metal, so finding the strength in my weak body, I got off the ground and made my way to the door. When I got there, I struck the pipe against the door, hoping that the clanging sound would be heard. I don't know how long I did it for but my body couldn't handle my weight and I collapsed on the ground, dropping the pipe," I turned around to look at the door, I thought I heard footsteps.

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