Chapter 4

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The bell finally rang to indicate that the first day back to school was finally over. I gathered my books and rushed out of the classroom to get to my locker.

I was packing my bag with some books from my locker when my phone rang. I looked at the caller and beamed.

"Hey Trouble what's up?" I answered causing her to laugh.

"Nothing much really and I haven't gotten into trouble," she paused for a bit, I heard a clanging sound like something being hit against lockers, then some curses, "yet, I haven't gotten into any trouble yet," she replied.

"Someone pushed you into the lockers again," I said before closing mine and picking up my bag.

She sighed before answering, "yep, you would think that high school wouldn't give you so many bruises compared to fighting someone with a knife but I'm being proved  wrong."

I stopped in my tracks, my eyes widened at what she said.

"Shit, that wasn't supposed to come out," she scolded herself.

"Are you okay? Did Wes tend to you? Why the hell were  you fighting someone with a bloody knife, pun not intended," I whispered yelled at her into the phone.

"Calm down Wick, I'm fine, I came out with just a scratch, you should have seen the other guy," she chuckled lightly trying to convince me that she's fine.

"Alright, I'll be careful next time okay, now how was your day?" she asked me.

"It was alright, I asked Luke out and he said yes," I replied happily.

"Really that's great," she answered but her tone seemed fake.

"What's wrong with Luke?" I questioned as I sat on a bench under my favourite tree.

"Nothing's wrong with him, he seems like a really nice guy but you know that I will always ship you and Raiden till death do us part," she answered, her voice a bit smug.

"You're remembering when I accidentally flashed him aren't you," I stated, knowing that it's the truth.

"Guilty, but you seriously need to talk to the guy and makeup, maybe even make out, just get him back into your life," she pleaded.

I remembered when I told her that Raiden and I had a fight that ended our friendship, she went ballistic and didn't talk to me for a week because she was mad at me for choosing Nuca over Raiden. She didn't well still doesn't like Nuca, actually, she loathes him. She said that my relationship with Nuca reminded her of hers with William and that didn't end well.

"Wick!" I glanced up to see Raiden and Cindy walking towards me. I waved my hand at them then turned my attention back to Raegan.

"Already did that Trouble, you're a little bit late," I told her my toned heavily dipped in smugness.

"You did? When?" she asked confusion in her voice.

"Today, he's a part of the student exchange program, with him and Cindy here today actually had been great despite Nuca and the gang being here also," I said trying to mumble the last part but she heard me.

"WHAT!!!" she screamed into the phone.

"Why is that dirtbag there, he's supposed to be in jail," she yelled so loud that I imagined her with smoke coming out of her nose.

"I don't know but I'll ask Raiden," I said while standing up, "oh before I forget, I sent you the files on your new recruits and I should warn you that one of them has connections to the Hilton boys, his parents were killed in an arson planned by them, and you know him, Rae, it's Oryn," I told her but silence answered me.

She cleared her throat before answering me, "Okay, Wick thanks a lot, I'll call soon, tell your aunt and uncle that I said hi and give Teague my love, I tell dad that you said hi, ummm  I gotta go okay, see you for Christmas, bye," she said and hung up.

I stared at my phone, sighing at the fact that my cousin is being somewhat of a hypocrite right now. She told me that I should fix things with Raiden when she still hasn't mended things with Oryn.

"Hey what's with the sad face?" I glance up to see Raiden standing in front of me, his lips turned down in a frown and his eyes filled with concern.

"It's nothing really just a bit concerned with Rae and how she's stubborn, it runs in the family," I replied while getting up.

"Yeah I know," He muttered.

"I heard that," I said and punched him in his arm. Ouch! I shook out my hand, damnit why is his arm so strong.

"Oh did you hurt yourself ?" He questioned his voice laced with fake concern and a hint of smugness.

"Yeah I did," I told him, cradling my hand with the other, sniffling and pouting my lips a bit turning my gaze towards the ground.

"Oh gosh, Wick I'm sorry, did you sprain it, is it broken, come on you didn't punch me that hard. Answer me, Wick?" He said shaking my shoulders. I winced and he stepped back.

"Damnit, how am I gonna explain this to her aunt, to the doctor, to Cindy, oh my, I'm done for." He muttered to himself.

I couldn't take it anymore, he looked really scared and concerned for me. I stood up straight, folded my arms, looked into his eyes and smirked.

It took a while for him to understand but when he did, his eyes were angry but happy at the same time. He took some steps forward and I took some back.

"You are so gonna pay for that Wick," He said while still closing the distance between us, his voice low and husky. I may have shivered a bit.

"Well you're gonna have to catch me first," I replied before pushing him back a bit, grabbing Cindy who was texting on her phone oblivious to what's was going on and running for my life.

"Well you're gonna have to catch me first," I replied before pushing him back a bit, grabbing Cindy who was texting on her phone oblivious to what's was going on and running for my life

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Hey Awesomeers!!!!

So here's another update!
Tell me what you think in the comments.

I added in a lil Easter egg in the chapter, first three persons to comment what it is along with its title gets a character named after in said book.

I'm gonna try my best to update regularly since I'm doing absolutely nothing except rewatching Teen Wolf and reading the final book in Rachel Morgan's Creepy Hollows Series, "Rebel Faerie".

So tell me what you guys thought
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Happy holidays Awesome Nation

Happy holidays Awesome Nation-Danielle😘😘

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