Prologue: It All Started With a Bang!

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A friend of mine once said, "People always say black or white, but the world is so gray." When you think about it, the world never really had color in someone who doesn't even know love, nor known how to be loved. We really are alone in this world, we are trapped in a cage called 'ourselves', we never really did had a choice on how we live, how we are born, what gender we have, how wealthy we are born, and more; and reality just puts all the pressure on us and forced us to live on the vessels called our selves. You'll never know that the person on the news, whom you judged as insane, that committed suicide had a more deeper story than what you see on the surface. Well, after all, we are living in a reality that even angels and devils were once the sons of God that we praised.

"Ahahaha!".. "Huhuhuhu!".. "It hurts, but It feels good".. I heard a girl's voice in the room next to mine, I didn't understand what the girl is crying and laughing for. She talks nonsense here and everywhere, it didn't felt right just listening to her. But she seems hurt, but what can I do? Should i help her? I'm just another girl in the next room that didn't know anything in life. "Stop it!!", i shouted and found myself waking up in my bed room. Yes, it was all just a dream, a dream that dwells within the feeble existence of this female body that is called me. A dream that is engraved deeply in my past. A dream that wanders upon my soul. Yes, it was just a dream.

Morning came, I slept almost just an hour, but I need to wake up and go to school. I ate my breakfast, took a bath, tied my hair with the usual ribbon that I've been known with, then run off to school as fast as I can or I'll be late. Life seems so dull, doing the same routine everyday, waking up after a nightmare with your body enfeebled by the grasp of an unknown cosmic force making you tremble on your feet. This is not a joke, this is my reality.

My name is Monika, I'm 17 years old, I'm on my second year of high school, and i manage a club. I'm an average-looking, tall, long hair girl. I'm not the best girl you can ever find in your life, I'm just a typical one, but feel free to try, if you like, I'm single anyways.

Lately, I had these dreams. I dreamt about something horrible had happened to me. I also dreamt of this girl that cries, laughs, moans, shouts, and just spew off random words from her mouth; it's a voice of a little girl, more or less 5 years old. Sometimes, I also dream of ether, the vast cosmic plane of existence that we are unaware of. I had these sequence of thoughts after every horrible dream I have: Who am I? What am I doing here? Can someone hear me out there? Anyone at all. I felt terrible, like my whole existence is about to vanish in an instant. Then I realized when I wake up that it was just a dream, what is important is this reality that I am currently in, this life, the life where we live, and for me is just a game that we play and ever hope to win.

It's afternoon already. Students are busy everywhere, cleaning the rooms, talking, and some others playing. It also signifies that it is now time for club activities. Yes, club activities. As I mentioned a while ago, I mange a club. It is a literature club that I form myself with the help of my classmate, Sayori. We usually go to the club together, but today, she ditched me, claiming that she had a friend who wants to be a part of the club, and she's off to getting that friend so she could introduce that friend to the club. She even told Natsuki, another member of our club, to bake some cupcakes as a welcome surprise for Sayori's friend. "That Sayori, she really had the talent to drive people around with her little-sunshine attitude.", I tell to myself. Well, for better or for worse, it's a new member joining the club, so it is really fine.

"Good afternoon", Isaid as I opened the door of the club room and found Yuri watching over thewindow. "Good afternoon to you too, Monika, how's the day going?", agirl with a very lady-like figure, matured voice, and a timid personalityretorted to my greetings. This girl's name is Yuri, one of the club members,she give off that elegant-woman vibe when you look at her. "I guess it'sfine, Sayori just ditched me", I replied. "Haha, at least your vicepresident is doing her job well", Yuri retorted with a small cheerfullaugh. We just continued with our small talks and the door came open with a"bang". "Hey, can you at least help me here a bit?!", saidNatsuki while carrying a tray of cupcakes while opening the door of the clubroom. Yuri and I laughed a bit as I stand up to help Natsuki, since I was theone nearest to her. "You could have asked for our help on carrying thatfrom your room, you know.", Yuri retorted with a smile. "Well, saysthe one who's tall and all but just sits around there. I know you're justtalking about my height, I know.", Natsuki replied while having asarcastic grin. "Ehh-- I-- I never said that about your height, I just--said that we could have helped you carry that.", Yuri replied while hidingher face behind her hair, obviously embarrassed. "Hahahaha", Natsukiand I laughed. "I'm just joking, Yuri, but it was really worth it to seeyour embarrassed face. Ahahaha.", says Natsuki who had just put thecupcakes on a desk. And we just continued talking while waiting for Sayori andthe new member.

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