Chapter XIX: Just Monika Play with me

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"Good Morning, Haruki!", I greeted Haruki, with a smile, who just woke up after sleeping on my lap for at least a day. He really is the most wonderful thing in the world. "Morning, Monika.", he replied, half-asleep, "What happened here? Where is everyone? Where is everything?", he asked. "I vanished everything, I vanished them all. I created a world all for us.", I told him. "Ah, I see.", He replied. "Aren't you angry at me for doing it?", I asked. "No, I'm not really angry. I almost lost reasons to live when Sayori died, but you kept me company everyday, so I made it through. So, being here with you is a really nice thing.", he answered. "Ahh-- Haha.", I replied, almost lost for words, I was very happy when he said that, my heart beats faster and faster, but I got hold of myself. Haruki sat on a chair in front of me, I put my hands on the desk and posed like thinking. "Hey Haruki, wouldn't you get bored just being with me here?", I asked. "Honestly, I might, but I know I'll make it through, somehow.", Haruki answered, "After all, I am stuck in this world with one of the most beautiful girls in school! I might consider myself lucky, as well", he said, with a big smile. My heart almost jumps off my chest, why is he hitting on me, now of all times? "We-- well, I will assure you that you wont get bored, I had lots of topics to discuss.", I said, stuttering a bit, and tried to.cover my blushing face with my hands. "You better be!", he said while staring at me. "Wh-- Why are you staring at me?", I asked, still blushing. "I just noticed, you looks so beautiful.", Haruki said. "Don't keep that up, or I might really eat you.", I said. "Hahaha. You really are funny, Monika.", he said. "Speaking of topics, you hadn't written any poems for me, back in the literature club. I hope we can write poems here, I would really be glad if you write one for me.", I said, smiling. "Of course, I would. I was just shy back in the club, because you know, I'm almost like a flea compared to you.", Haruki said. Does he always thinks that way of himself? "Haruki, your not a flea!", I yelled angrily. "Yeah, I know, it's just a metaphor.", He replied. "Here's my poem.", he gave a piece of paper to me.

Just Monika

I was afraid; you are there

Lonely and sad, you comforted me

Over the challenges of life, you stayed

Very lovely face, very lovely heart

Everyday was very nice being by your side

You are the light of my life

One precious thing, I never asked

Under the sunshine, we never cried.

My lovely sweet sunshine, everlasting light

Older we shall get, I'll love you more

Nothing really matters as long as we're together

Infinite choices in this world, we face

Kittens in the wild, we ran like those in life

After all, you are my sweetest, dearest, Monika

I love you. Please be my girlfriend! :)

I was lost for words, I don't know what to do. I blushed, my head feels empty. "A-- A-- Are you-- serious?", I asked, while stuttering due to extreme embarassment I feel. "Yes, I've always wanted to get close to you. That is one of the reasons I joined the literature club, I guess.", he answered with a straight face, "I've liked you ever since the first time we met on our first year.", he added. "Sa-- Same here.", I started to build up confidence because I now know that our feelings are mutual. "But, I always thought you liked Sayori more, so I was afraid. And when you joined the club, you spend most of your times with Natsuki and Yuri.", I said. "I was just building up my confidence, if you know what I mean.", he said. "Here's my poem!", I handed him my poem, he seems very aggressive on hitting on me today, so I just thought of giving him my poem, and my answer: "And, yes, I would really be glad to be your girlfriend!", I said with a cute inner voice. He hugged me, I hugged him back, "I love you Monika.", he whispered in my ears. "I love you too, Haruki.", I mumbled, but I made sure that he heard it. He stopped hugging me now and read my poem:

緑 色 な 言 の 葉 Emerald-green Poem (A Doki-doki Literature Club Story)Where stories live. Discover now