Chapter XXI: Hunting High and Low

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"I finally foundyou!", Yuri said at our backs. I immediately put a state preserve onMonika just right before Yuri burned the whole ramen stand. "Hey, why areyou choosing this bitch over me, Haruki? Am I not good enough? Am I nitbeautiful?!", Yuri asked with a very creepy smile. "Yuri, we cansettle this peacefully.", Monika said. "Peacefully? It could only bepeaceful if you die! Ahahaha!", Yuri said. She really did become insane. Ipulled the gun, I shot at her once, the bullet burned just before reaching her."Monika, let's run, this way.", I yelled as I shot Yuri 2 more times."I have a plan. Check your phone, I will send the area map which I willput grids. I will put grids and name the vertical as a to h, and horizontals as1 to 8. keep your phone open, I will send commands there.", I told Monika."Okay!", she responded. We kept on running amongst the many peoplewho are shopping on the market streets. "Now keep running to point b5,keep Yuri on your vision, I will cast the state preserve spell on you when youare caught off guard. I will now find a high vantage point, hoping to hit Yuriwith a long range shot so the bullet wont get burned.", I said to Monika."Got it.", she replied. I got in to a small tavern and climb itsroof. I see Yuri chasing Monika. There are too many people, I can't get a goodshot. I jumped to the next roof hoping to get a bit closer to them. Monikareached point b5. "Engage Yuri at point b5, I will be positioning myselfto another point, take care, I don't have vision of you right now to cast myability.", I said to Monika over the phone. "Okay, I will.", shereplied. I hid myself behind the walls of a concrete house near point d3, I gota clear vision of the two girls, they are just chatting, they ain't fightingyet. I casted preserve state to Monika, then before I shot Yuri, Yuri burnedeverything around her and started to attack Monika. Every people, everythingaround her burns. People are shouting, "Fire!", everywhere. The panicin the market made my view lesser. I ran to Monika and grabbed her hands anddragged her to run. Yuri hurls a small fireball in front of her, she shoots itto us, it exploded and killed people that are panicking and running in betweenour distance. Monika and I tried to run further to have lesser distraction dueto people panicking. Yuri just burn and kill everyone on her path. We gotcornered in a wall. "Now you don't have anywhere to go!", Yuri said,"You know, when I got here, I was lost. but I got to the house I wasliving since I have the key. Then, out of curiosity, I killed this lady, hername is Linda Watson. Ahahaha, she seemed really lifeless to begin with, so Ikilled her out of curiosity on what it feels to kill someone. I was reallysatisfied. Ahahaha. But now, I don't care if how many I kill, all I care is tokill that bitch that is sticking around with you right now, Haruki! Oh, maybe Ishould also kill you, Haruki to make it more poetic! Ahahaha. Yes, I am reallythe happiest now!", she said and tried to attack me with a knife, iparried it with a gun. "Hit her, Monika!", I shouted. Monika who isnot yet good at controlling her powers ended up burning everything around us,good that I casted preserve state to myself at the time Yuri attacked, I wasalso save by it from Monika's clumsiness. "Sorry.", she said."Oh god, fine, let us run!", we ran again. I got 3 live bullets inthe magazine as of now, I shot them all to Yuri to buy time. Monika and I hidbehind a stall, I reloaded the empty magazine with the spare bullets."Haruki, can we really kill Yuri?", Monika asked. "Yes, we can,just believe in us.", I said. "I'm sorry, I messed up backthere.", she said. "It's fine. Let us think of a strategy now.",I said. The market still burning, it really is very hot now. "Let usseparate Monika, you engage Yuri in close range, you can burn anything at yourhearts content, I will try to hit Yuri from afar hoping to get her off guard,and with that I can cast preserve on you if needed.", I said."Okay.", she replied. "Go, find Yuri, drag the fight t point g6,I will be watching you from afar.", I said. Monika ran. "I foundYuri, she is hurling fireballs at me!", Monika said over the phone."Where are you now?", I asked. "Point e4.", she replied. Iran to point e4 fast. I found a really nice spot to shot at point d5. I shotYuri. I hit her left arm, but all it did was a wound, I missed the fatal shot."Arghhh!! What is this am I feeling! This pain is intense!", Yurishouted while holding the wound. "It felt really nice, but you are goingto pay for this, Haruki!", she shouted and attacked Monika with a knifethat she is hiding in her sleeves, the one she used to attack me a while ago.Monika got a small knife wound on her face. "Run Monika, point g6!",I shouted to Monika. "Got it!", she replied. Yuri cornered Monika inan alley on the part of the market that is not on fire yet. It was an alleybetween three buildings. Yuri plays the knife on Monik's skin. Monika did notuse her power because there were people inside one of the buildings. "KickYuri now!", I told Monika. She kicked Yuri on her waist, Yuri got caughtoff guard by that attack. I came at the left entry point of the alley, andemptied up the magazine to Yuri. "boogsh", the sound of Yuri's bodyfalling down to the ground, full with bullet holes and blood. "He-- Hea--Heal.", Yuri said and she glows with green light, and a green eye openedin her forehead. "preserve state!", I casted preserve state on Yuri'sdying body. The heal did not have any effect on her now. "So I can healtoo? Right?", Monika asked. I did not answer since I was holding mybreath. "Guys, I am sorry, all I wanted was to spend more time withHaruki. Everything in my life is very sad, I got to a human experimentfacility, I live alone in a big house. And I don't have friends. I am verysorry for trying to kill you, I just realized by now that you are my friends. Iwill miss yo---", Yuri said before she died. "Yes Yuri, you can restnow. We will save you, so just hang in there. And yes, we are yourfriends", I said while closing Yuri's eyes. I was in tears a bit."How did she die when you casted preserve on her?", Monika asked,also crying. "All I did was preserve is her physical state, not herethereal state. The body was already destroyed, soon after that, the soul willescape. I just waited for her soul to escape and kept preserving the state ofthe dying body so she cannot heal.", I explained, "And yes, you canheal too.", I added. "So, what is next?", Monika asked. "Iwant to blow the head off that guy who started the human experiment you gotinvolved with.", I said. "Do you know who is that guy?", Monikaasked. "No idea. Hehe.", I replied. "What? You almost soundedvery cool a while ago, and now you don't have any idea. God, you're the worst.Ahaha.", Monika said, laughing a bit while we are walking away from theburning market.

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