Chapter XVIII.V: Elemental Conviction

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I found myself adrift ina garden of stars. I saw nothing but darkness and the stars shining in theirown right; cosmic dust drifting in waves, glowing; spiral architecturesrotating like a storm; seven pillars of light, along the seven corners of thevoid in the seven dimensional fracture on a seven dimension universe. I didn'tunderstand what it is, no, more like I cannot comprehend. What is this place?I'm adrift in a vast void, a state of nothingness yet everything is nothing,and nothing is everything. I'm adrift in a sea of unknown and valley ofknowledge, incomprehensible to the human perception. I'm adrift, yes I am adriftinside the collective consciousness of every human that ever lived on earth,male or female, old or young, black or white; I knew all their experiences, yetI know nothing. I suddenly had a very thorough understanding of everything, yeti understood nothing; I know everything now, yet everything is nothing; I stillcannot comprehend the enlightenment I had. What am I doing in this place? Thecollective consciousness, also known to humans as God, is a collection of everyexperience, memory, feelings, and more of every human that ever lived; it is asingularity in the ethereal plane. All souls are made of ether, the fifthelement, these things we call souls are just vessels, vessels that find its wayto join the vast collection of ether in a world of souls, their memories joinsthe collective consciousness once they died. But me? Why do I have my ownconsciousness inside the ethereal plane? I am an irregularity in here, I atleast know that. I tried to dig in more inside the collective consciousness, iwalked forward, but i was moving backward. I tried to look for anything,anything that can be of any use, but sadly I cannot comprehend. "God!Collective consciousness, or whatever are you! Please listen to me!", Ishouted, "What am I doing here?", I asked. I heard a vast echo ofnoise, it is the voice of the collective, it is the voice of every human thatlived on earth. "You passed the trial, Haruki.", a voice of theconsciousness, very loud, too many voices. "Because you proved yourstrength, and hadn't been overwhelmed amongst the very vast field of knowledge,I now unlock the power I sealed inside of you, the power of ultimate wisdom,the power of the collective consciousness, the power to preserve, the power toprotect.", the loud voice added. I suddenly understood everything in ajiffy. I woke up, and found myself in a club room, void of anything, driftingin the void, except Monika, yes, Just Monika.

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