Chapter Ten - A Deadly Game

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What you don't think Zircon realizes is that he's made this into a deadly game.  He causes trouble, and everyone in your colony is pissed off, but nobody goes to the trouble of killing the kid.  If he causes too much trouble, though, somebody will snap eventually.

You wing your way over to Violdru.  He was also (reluctantly) flying Zircon around, and he knows how annoying the kid can be.

"Hello," you greet him.

He gives you a sullen look.  "Why're you over here?  Let me be pissed off about Zircon in peace."

You roll your eyes.  "Surely I am suffering more here.  He insists on making me fly him around all the time - far more often than you."

"Oh hush.  You're numb," Violdru grumbles.  After a moment, he adds, "Sorry I'm annoyed.  Zircon annoyance incarnate."

"I can't argue with that."


You're hoping your colony finds a proper home soon.  Dragons are supposed to hunt big game, not fish, and it's been a few days.  Besides, your colony has several hatchlings.  They can't fly yet, and their parents are getting exhausted from carrying them.  Even Tris, Oberon, and Diamond were only just learning to fly.

You've switched from flying Cheorviss to flying Tavnit, and you're not as used to flying her, so it takes more of your concentration to not fall off.  All dragons are slightly different when it comes to flying them, and Cheorviss and Tavnit are quite different in that regard.

You scoot forward, keeping a tight hold on Tavnit, and spot something in the distance that looks like an island.  Might be at least a suitable place to rest until everyone feels good enough to continue the journey.

"I see an island!" you shout.  Most of the dragons look at you.

"I see it too," Tavnit says.  "We can rest there, most likely."  She flies faster, and the others follow her lead.


You can see dragons winging in.  Lots of them.  The colony you displaced, maybe?  "Look!" you shout.

None of the dragons do.  "I said...look!"

They still don't.  You decide it really isn't your problem if the dragons in your colony get attacked.

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