Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

The rest of the day went by normally. I'm heading home once the class is over. It's starting to get late. "*yawn* I'm so tired" I said to myself. So I prepare myself for bed, once I'm done I flop onto the bed and falls asleep instantly.

-Bonding with Naruto-

Author P.O.V

A couple of months have passed. A lot of things happening. Y/N became a part of team 7 after they graduate from the academy. Along with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

She have gotten closer with Naruto after what happens the day after her arrival.


Y/N is walking around the village. Then all the sudden she hear a sound of crying. Curious... Y/N walks over to check on it.

When she found the source... It turns out to be a boy with blond hair, whom she recognise as one of her classmate, Naruto. People around him is bad mouthing at him. One of the man starts throwing things at him. Y/N run and stops infront of him. "Stop it! All of you!" She said. "Get out of here! You're just an outcast! You know nothing!" One of them yelled as the others agree. "So what if I'm an outcasts. At least I'm not attacking a boy" she said. "He's not a boy! He's a Monster" the other said. "He's not a Monster... If anything, you're the Monster here! Look at him... He's just a boy! You can't blame him for something he isn't. It is not his fault" Y/N screams.

Then she turn to the boy after the villagers left. "You okay, Naruto?" She asks. He looks up at her "I'm okay Y/N-Chan... Thank you. But you're not afraid of me?" He asks. Y/N shook her head "why should I?" She asks. He looks down "everyone else is scared of me... I don't have any friends" he said. Sadness is evident in each words he said. Y/N's eyes soften and she held his hand "I'll he your Friend" She said. He looks up at her in shock. "Y-you will?" He asks. Y/N nod her head, smiling at him. He beams and pulls her into a hug.

End of Flashback

After the graduation their sensei... Kakashi. Assign them to join in a chunnin exam. That's when everything starts to go down hill.

Lord 3rd Hokage died after his battle against a snake guy named Orochimaru. Not long after that, Sasuke left the village and to go to Orochimaru. He wants to avenge his clan's massacre and he needs more power. Everyone is upset because of it.

Back to Present


A lot of things have happen in a short period of time. Sasuke left. Lord 3rd Hokage died. But that's how it is in the shinobi world.

Naruto and I have gotten a lot closer. He became my Best Friend. We promise each other that we'll hang out today. So I got up from my bed and get ready for the day.

After I'm done getting ready, I head over to the kitchen to have some breakfast. I just decide to have a simple French toast. I was about to eat it when there's a knock on the front door. I got up and walk over to the door. I open it to reveal.... My best-friend Naruto. "Hey, Y/N-Chan" he said, smiling brightly at me. "Hello to you too, Naruto" I said, giving him a close eye smile. He blushed, I was kinda confuse why he did. But I'm not gonna ask it.

Naruto P.O.V

Y/N-Chan is so pretty, she's even prettier than Sakura-Chan.... Especially when she smiles. She's the most friendliest person I've ever met. She's the only one who truly accepts me. She's always there for me through my hardest time. That's one of the many reasons why I've fallen for her. Gosh... My heart, it's beating so fast. I love her so much. My face is hot... I'm pretty sure it's as red as a tomato right now.

I keep thinking about random things about Y/N-Chan. That I didn't notice she's trying to gain my attention. I snap out of it when she pinches my cheeks. "Oww... That hurts" I whined.


"Oww... That hurts" he whined while rubbing his sore cheeks. I giggle "well... It's your fault. I've been talking to you for the past 15 min. But you completely ignore me" I said, pouting slightly. His face turn even more red. "You okay? Your face is a little red" I said, placing my hand on his forehead. He turns red even more and begin to speak incoherent things.

I giggle "oh Naruto... Don't tell me you're nervous because of me. That's so cute" I said. He pouts "can you stop teasing me, Y/N-Chan?" He said. I raise my hands in a surrender manner. "Okay... Okay... No more teasing" I said. I invite him to come in my apartment.

The two of us makes our way towards the kitchen. Once we reach there. I turn to Naruto. "I was just about to eat breakfast when you knock on the door. I've made enough for two. Would you like some?" I asks him. He beams and nod his head. I gesture him to take a seat and he did. I walk over to the stove and place some on the plate. I walk back to the dining table and place it in front of him.

"Come on... Dig in" I said. He instantly gobbled down in a rapid speed, like he haven't been eating for days. My eyes widened at the sight of him eating. "Woah... Naruto! Slow down... You're eating like there's no tomorrow. You'll choke on it if you eat that fast" I said, giggling.

He swallow and laugh nervously. "S-sorry Y/N-Chan... It's just.. It taste so good. I wanna eat more" he said. I giggle "still... You don't have to eat so fast. If you want... I could cook for you any time" I said. He looks at me, then starts crying "thank you Y/N-Chan.... You're the sweetest person I've ever met" he sobbed. I just sweat-dropped at his behaviour.

The rest of the day we spend doing all kinds of things. I stop Naruto from trying to pull on some pranks. We train together, do some fishing and a lot of things.

Today is our bonding day... And we've grown closer

*to be continued*

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