Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

The rest of the day we spend doing all kinds of things. I stop Naruto from trying to pull on some pranks. We train together, do some fishing and a lot of things.

Today is our bonding day... And we've grown closer



I got awaken by a sound of knocking on the front door. I groggily got up from the bed and walk over to the door. I open the door to reveal, Naruto. "What is it, Naruto? You're so early" I said, rubbing my eyes.

Naruto P.O.V

'Y/N-Chan is so cute' I thought as I look at her. I didn't realise that she's trying to gain my attention. "Naruto? Hey... Helloo???" She said, while waving her hand in front of my face. I snap out of it as my face turn red from embarrassment. She just caught me staring at her. Gosh! It's so embarrassing. What did you do to me, Y/N-Chan?


Naruto is acting so weird right now. His face is turning red. It could put tomato into shame. I just look at him. "Are you okay, Naruto?" I asks, worried. "Y-yeah... I-I'm okay, d-dattebayo" he said. I shrug "alright, if you say so" I said.

"Why are you here, so early?" I asks. His face turn into realisation as if he just remembered something. "Ah!! I just remember, Granny Tsunade need to see us in her office" he said. "Alright! I'll get ready now" I said. I was about to enter, then I turn to him "if you want you could wait for me inside. I have some cup of ramen. Go and help yourself" I said smiling. His face brighten at the word ramen. He runs inside. I just laugh "typical Naruto. Always get pumped up everytime he heard ramen" I said to myself.

I make my way upstairs and got ready for whatever it is that Tsunade-sama need us for. I take a shower and everything I need to do in morning routine.

After about 15 minutes, I'm done preparing. I head downstairs and to the kitchen. My eyes widened to see Naruto gobbling down all the ramen. "Seriously! Naruto" I yelled. He turn around alarmed. "I'm s-sorry Y/N-Chan... I-I didn't mean to" he said frantically. I just sigh and shook my head "nevermind... I'll by more later. Have you done eating yet? We have to go now" I said. He got up from the seat and walk over to me "I'm done, dattebayo" he said. I pinch his cheek. "Oww... What's that for, dattebayo" he whined. "That's for being such a dork. You keep saying 'dattebayo' it's cute" I said. He blushed and turn around. "L-lets go, dattebayo" he said. I giggle and walk after him.

We walk together and make our way to the Hokage office. "I wonder what she needs us for" I say to Naruto. He just shrug "she'll probably gonna give us a Mission" he said. I nod my head "you're right" I said.

After a while of walking we finally reach the building. We make my way to the Hokage-office. I knock on the door and wait. We open the door after we heard a soft 'come in' from the other side.

When we open the door. We notice there's Sakura, Lee and Kakashi. Naruto went into protective mode at the sight of Lee. I giggle as I remember the first time I meet him.


It's the day of the chunnin exam. Team seven which consist of me, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

We're making our way to the assigned room. 303. But when we get to the 2nd floor we noticed it's crowded by other Genin. Of course I can see through the genjutsu. It's too simple.

I step forward "what are you two doing here, Izumo? Kotetsu? This is a cheap Genjutsu, might as well reverse it. It's only the 2nd floor" I said with a monotone voice. "Seems like one of you have notice it" Izumo said. "Not just me..." I turn to Sasuke and Sakura "...the two of you must have notice it too" I said, smiling at them. "Yeah... She's right, this is just the second floor" Sakura said.

"I'm impressed the two of you manage to see through genjutsu" Kotetsu said. Then out of no where he advance at me. I got into fighting Stance, when out of no where a guy with green jumpsuit appear and stop the attack. "Lee! What are you doing?! You're the one to say we need to keep our skill to ourself" a guy with long hair and pale eyes. ''A Hyuga' I thought. "I know but-" the guy in green stop when his eyes notice me. He walks over to me "you're Y/N L/N, right?" He said. "Yeah?" I said. He gives me a thumbs up and flash his teeth "I'm Rock Lee. Please be my girlfriend. I vow to protect you with my life" he said. "I-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when someone steps in front of me. Naruto. "Not a chance.... She's my bestfriend. I won't  let her  be with you" he said. "Naruto be nice" I said. He just pouts in respond.

He's been protective over me since

End of Flashback

I giggle at the memory. Naruto turn to me confused. I just shrug "old memory..." I said in a sing-song voice. He roll his eyes knowing what I meant. Naruto turn to face Lee and scowl. I nudge him "be nice, Naruto-Kun. Beside he likes Sakura-Chan now" I said, looking at Lee, who's staring dreamily at Sakura. Then I turn to Naruto "why are you acting like this anyway. You look like a jealous Boyfriend" I said. "If only you know Y/N-Chan" he murmured, but I don't hear it clearly. "What was that?" I asks. "N-nothing!" He said. I just raise my eyebrow but didn't question any further.


*to be continued*

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