Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

Naruto's Side

The board that's been holding prince Michiru from getting hang finally broke. I look up to see Hikaru looking down, he's giving up. "Hikaru!" I yelled out. He looks down "don't give up! You can do it! Trust me!!" I said then he looks determine.


-Final Battle: Part 2-


I laid on the floor out of breath. I've defeated Pyro and it took all of my energy. I'm so tired. Then I remember Naruto, he's facing Ishidate. The leader, the most dangerous one of them all.

I shakily get up. "Naruto... I have to help him" I say to myself. I take a deep breath. I'm still too exhausted, but I can't give up now. I stand still for a bit to catch my breath.

Then I start making my way to where Naruto and Hikaru would be. I stumble a bit, "I have to be strong!" I scream. Then I start running.

When I get there. I saw Dad is falling and Hikaru is on top of Chamu as they free fall. "Multi shadow clone jutsu!!!" I heard Naruto yell out. Then a lot of Naruto appear and be a cushion for their fall.

I run forward to where dad is as all Naruto's clone disappear. "Dad..." I say as I kneel next to him. His face turns green. I quickly loosen the rope around his neck. Then he sits up, trying to gain his breathing. I start to tear up "dad!" I yell out. Dad froze for a bit and hug me back "Y/N... My Daughter" he said. Hikaru joins the hug. "My Son..." Dad say, hugging Hikaru as well.

Then Shabadaba came running out with his sissy assistant. I got up and glare at him. "Shabadaba... How dare you!!!" Dad screams and starts chasing after him. I'll just let dad handle him. Then I turn to where Naruto is.

Ishidate is unconscious. "Naruto! You did it" I scream out. Naruto grin and try to make his way towards me. Then I notice Ishidate moving. He moves to grab Naruto's leg. "Naruto!" I scream out. Ishidate threw Naruto. He came crashing in the building. I run towards him. "Naruto... Are you okay?" I asks him. "Yeah... But my leg" he said, looking at his leg.

Shabadaba came running back to Ishidate. "Good... Now finish him" Shabadaba said, gesturing towards dad. But Ishidate's attention is fix on Naruto.

Naruto make a rasengan. But he's struggling to make his way to him. Shabadaba keep grabbing onto Ishidate. "No! Ignore the brat. The prince! Demolish the prince!" Shabadaba said. Ishidate turn around and grab his collar, turning Shabadaba into stone.

I turn to see dad moves to help Naruto. He became Naruto's feet. Then I turn back to Ishidate to see his arms turn into full power. He runs towards Naruto. "No!!" I scream, I run towards him and block his way from getting any closer to Naruto.

He grabs my collar... Then I feel my body turning into stone.

Naruto P.O.V

I watch in pure horror as I watch Y/N turning into solid stone. Ishidate slam her into the ground shattering her into pieces. "No!!" I scream. Tears begin to fill my eyes. "You'll pay for that!!" I yelled at him.

Prince Michiru continue to help me towards Ishidate. Ishidate makes the ground float and turns them into shards, shooting them our way. Some of the shards pierce Prince Michiru. He starts falling backwards. Hikaru came and help him up. "It hurts!!!" He wailed in pain. "Uncle! Don't give up" I encourage him.

Ishidate hold up his hand. I can see the way it glows, it's on the full power. Then Chamu run forward and bite his hand. Ishidate struggles to shake Chamu off.

"Yes dad! Do it for Y/N! Don't let her die in vain. Y/N and the others have come this far to help us. Let's not give up now. Come on dad!!!" Hikaru yelled. "For Y/N!!!" Prince Michiru yells and he stood up straight, then we start running. My Rasengan turns into moon rasengan. I reached Ishidate and slam down my hand at him. "Rasengan!!!" I yelled. Then everything explode due to the impact.

Ishidate is dead. I collapse to my knees as exhaustion consumes me. Then I turn to where Y/N is, or parts of her. I get up shakily and kneel down in front of the shattered rocks of her.

"Y-Y/N...." I say and starts crying. I slam my fist into the ground. "Please.... Don't leave me.... Please...." I whispers. I look up to Sakura "isn't there anything to do" I asks her. She just shook her head and look down as tears streams down her face. I look around me to look at the others. All of them have tears in their eyes. Hikaru is hanging onto his Father shirt as he cries. I shake my head "please.... I love you Y/N... Don't leave me" I cried.

The pieces of rocks begin to glow a soft blue. I look up at the sky as the moon begin to shine down on the shards of her. Then a bright light. I have to close my eyes at how bright it is.

Then the light died down. I slowly open my eyes to see Y/N. She looks at me, then her eyes close and she collapse. I run forward and catch her before she hits the ground.

I place my ear on her chest to hear her heart beat. I smile happily as I hear it. "She's still alive" I cheers. Everyone else cheers with me. Then I look down at Y/N and hug her closer to my chest. Then I feel her move.


I open my eyes to be met with a blue orbs. "Naruto..." I say, weakly. "You're awake" he said, smiling.

I sit up "what happen? Where's Ishidate? Why is everyone crying?" I asks, looking around. Then I look back at Naruto and notice the tears in his eyes "why are you crying?" I asks, worried.

He explains to me what happens. I just stare at him with wide eyes. I'm really speechless. I've turn into a shatter pieces of rocks. Then the moon shines on me and I'm now alive and in one piece? That's just hard to believe.

Then Naruto pulls me into a hug. "I-I... Really t-thought I'm g-gonna l-loose you" he said. My shoulder is soaked from his tears. "Shh.... I'm here now. There's nothing to worry about" I said, caressing his hair.

*to be continued*

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