Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see dad. He looks down at me and smile "I'm gonna miss him, Y/N" he said. "Me too..." I turn to my right to see Hikaru and my mom. I smile at them as a tear escape my eyes.

I love you Naruto, I'll always will


Naruto P.O.V

It's been 3 years since I last seen Y/N-Chan. To say that I miss her is an understatement. I miss her to death. I would do anything to have her with me.

Everyone is so shocked to hear the news. To know that Y/N-Chan is actually a member of a royal family. That she's a princess. I don't blame them, I'm shocked as well when I first find out her true identity.

Without her.... Team 7 doesn't feel the same. We still go on Mission. But without Y/N-Chan, our team work is messed up. She's the one who keep everyone together. She act like a glue for us.

We have a new member, his name is Sai. But I don't really like him, he's a bit weird. He likes to make nicknames for everyone. He flips Sakura-Chan off, when he called her ugly. But I protect him, which results me to get beaten up. Granny Tsunade place him in our team as a replacement for Y/N-Chan and Sasuke. But no one could replace them.

Today we have a break from all the missions. So I just laid on my bed. I don't really have the mood to do anything. Everything I usually do, I always do with Y/N-Chan.

There's a knock on my door. I groan and get up. I open the door to reveal Sakura-Chan. "What is it, Sakura-Chan?" I asks her, completely uninterested for whatever reason that brings her here. She sigh looking at me. "Naruto... You can't keep acting like this. She would be upset if she knows how you're acting" she said. "I don't know how else should I act, Sakura-Chan" I said, looking down. "Be the old you, Naruto. She can't be a Ninja anymore, doesn't mean you should too. Remember your purpose... you want to be a Hokage, don't you?" She said. I look up at her "of course I do" I said. "Then do it! Y/N-Chan really supports you to be a Hokage, do it for both of you" she said.

I look down in thought. I remember the what she said when I told her that I want to be a Hokage.


Me and Y/N-Chan is sitting next to each other in a lake. We kept talking about anything that came in mind.

Then Y/N-Chan turn to me. "What do you want to be in the future, Naruto?" She asks. I grin "I want to be the Hokage! The best Ninja, then everyone would respect me" I said, enthusiastically. She smiles "and you will, you have my full support, Naruto" she said. I blushed in respond and laugh. She chuckles with me. That's the first time I realised that I'm falling for her.

End of Flashback

I look up at Sakura-Chan and smile. "You're right..." I said. Then I fist bump the air. "I'll be a Hokage and make Y/N-Chan proud" I said. I run out of my house and lock the door. Then I run away. "Heyy!!! Where are you going?!" I heard Sakura-Chan screaming. "I'm gonna train, dattebayo!" I scream back.

Sakura P.O.V

That guy... He really is in love with Y/N-Chan. I miss her so much. She's like the Sister I never have. I really wish she would come back. It's not the same without her.

Author P.O.V

Meanwhile, in the gate of Konoha. There's a girl approaching. She smiles as she's finally able to see the gate. "I'm back..." She said to herself. Then she starts running in the gate, she can't wait to see her friends again.

"Hey... Is that?" Izumo asks. "Yeah... There's no mistaken it" Kotetsu respond. They keep looking at the girl as she past infront of them to the village.


I'm finally back to Konoha. I miss being here. I run up the tallest building to get a better look of the village. "It looks the same as the last time I'm here" I say to myself, smiling.

"Y/N-Chan? Is that you?" I heard someone said. I look down, to see Sakura-Chan. "Sakura-Chan!!" I scream and jumps down. I pull her into a hug. "I've missed you so much" I said. "I've missed you too, Y/N-Chan" she said, hugging me back.

Then I pull away. "Say... Where's Naruto?" I asks her. "He's in the training grown... This is the first day he acts normal" she said. I look at her confused "what do you mean?" I asks. She sigh "Y/N-Chan... You have no idea, without you... Naruto is not the same. He acts lifeless" she said. My eyes widened "seriously?" I asks, shocked. She nods her head "but, he'll be fine. Now that you're here" she said, smiling at me. I turn around and leave "bye, Sakura-Chan! I'll go look for Naruto now" I scream. She waves back at me.

After a while of running. I finally reached the training ground. I watch as Naruto is training. He collapse from exhaustion. 'How long have he been here' I thought to myself.

Naruto P.O.V

I continue to train until I've reached my limits. I collapse to the ground as I wheezed. "That's so tiring" I say to myself.

"It sure does look tiring" I jump at the new voice. I turn to the voice to see someone I've been missing all this time. "Y/N-Chan!" I scream, completely forgetting how tired I am and got up. I run towards her and pulled her into a hug. "You came back" I said, hugging her tightly as tears begin to pour out of my eyes, soaking her shirt. But she doesn't seem to mind. She hugs me back just as tight "yeah... I came back" she said, smiling at me.

"Are you gonna stay?" I asks. She smiles "yeah, this is my home" she said. I grin and pull her into a passionate kiss, pouring all my feelings. Showing her how much I've been missing her. She kissed me back. I wrap my arms around her waist, as she wraps her arms around my neck.

*to be continued*

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