Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

I giggle at the memory. Naruto turn to me confused. I just shrug "old memory..." I said in a sing-song voice. He roll his eyes knowing what I meant. Naruto turn to face Lee and scowl. I nudge him "be nice, Naruto-Kun. Beside he likes Sakura-Chan now" I said, looking at Lee, who's staring dreamily at Sakura. Then I turn to Naruto "why are you acting like this anyway. You look like a jealous Boyfriend" I said. "If only you know Y/N-Chan" he murmured, but I don't hear it clearly. "What was that?" I asks. "N-nothing!" He said. I just raise my eyebrow but didn't question any further.


-Mission: Guardian of the Crescent Moon Kingdom-


We're standing in front of Tsunade-Sama. She will be giving us a mission. "You will be given a Mission to guard a prince and his son back to the Land of the Moon" she said. My eyes widened at the mention of Land of the Moon. 'Shit...' I mentally curse. Why? Well.... I'm a royal member from the Land of the Moon. If Tsunade-Sama said guard a prince from Land of the Moon... It'll be most likely I'll be guarding my own dad. But a mission is a Mission... I can't back up.

Kakashi-sensei bow "we'll accept the Mission" he said. We bow and left the room. Naruto and I went separate ways. I jump from roof to roof. When I got to my apartment, I start packing for the journey. "Looks like I'll be visiting my home town after all" I say to myself. I sigh... I wonder what's it like there, it's been a while since I left.

After I'm done packing, I left the apartment and head towards the village gate. Kakashi-sensei said that we'll be meeting up there.


We are on a dessert place. We keep walking. "Ugh... It's so hot" I heard Naruto said. "Patient, Naruto. We're wearing our summer clothes and you're still whining" I heard Sakura said. But I didn't really pay attention to what they're saying.

I felt someone place a hand on my head. I turn to the person to see Kakashi-sensei. "What's wrong, Y/N?" He asks. I just shook my head "just wait and see.... You guys are about to find out something about me" I said.

"Looks like they're here" Kakashi-sensei said. I look up and soon enough we see the Royal cart. 'They're here' I thought.

The cart stop and came out a fat guy. He bow at us "I'm Michiru... The prince of The Island of the Moon" he said, smiling at us. 'No way... Dad? How can he get so fat' I thought. Kakashi-sensei steps forward and bow "your highness... I'm Hatake Kakashi... Leader of this squad" he turns to us. "This is Uzumaki Naruto.... Haruno Sakura... Rock Lee and lastly... Y/N L/N" at the mention of my name I notice his eyes widened. He knew that name because I used to asks him to name me that instead of Tsuki. L/N is my mom's last name, before she died. Then he have another child with other woman, Hikaru and that's when I left.

"Y/N?" He said. But I just look away from him. The next thing I know is someone engulfing me into a hug. I tensed, since I'm not expecting it. "My sweet Daughter... I've finally found you, where have you been?" He said. I hug him back "hey... Dad" I said, tears starts to stream down my eyes. I notice everyone else's eyes widened. Dad pulls away from me. I turn to my squad. "Y/N... Care to explain?" Kakashi-sensei said.

I turn to them "well... Since I'm here now, I guess I can't go without explanation" I said, rubbing my neck. I look up at them. "My real name is Tsuki Y/N... A member of the Royal family from the Island of the Moon and *points to dad* he's my father. Though... I don't remember him being this fat" I say the last sentence looking at dad. He just laugh nervously. Their eyes widened "so y-you're..." Naruto said pointing at me. "Yeah... When dad becomes the king... I'll officially become the princess" I said.

Dad turn to Sakura. Then he walk towards her and bend down "my... Aren't you a pretty one. Too pretty to be a ninja" he said. A tick mark appear on my forehead. But I'll just let Sakura handle this. Then... Soon enough. Dad's hand is on a death grip by Sakura. I laugh at his attempts to get out of her grip. Dad turns to me "why didn't you help me?" He said. "Your fault for acting that way" I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

Then someone shoot a toy arrow at the laughing Naruto, causing him to fall over. He gots up alert "everyone take cover! We're under attack" he said, looking around in panic. I just giggle. "Hikaru..." I said to myself, smiling.

"If it's a real war... You would've been dead" Hikaru said. Then he got out of the cart and walk towards us until he's next to dad. "Dad... Are you sure about this guys... They doesn't seem that strong to me... Especially the short one" he said. Naruto look at him annoyed, he starts saying something but Kakashi-sensei stops him from talking.

I turn around to face Hikaru. "That wasn't very nice, you know?" I said. "Who are you?" He said. 'Right... He was still so young when I left' I thought to myself.

Dad walks over to me and place his hand on my head. "Hikaru... You remember the photo you saw not long ago?" Dad said. Hikaru nod, stating he remember. "You mean the little girl in the picture, right?" He questions dad. "Yeah... That's your Sister, Tsuki Y/N" dad said. Then Hikaru points at me "then what is it has to do with her?" He said. "Hikaru... This IS her" dad said. His eyes widened, then he begin crying. "Nee-San!!" He yelled, running towards me. He hugs me tightly. I bend down and hug him back "hey... Lil Brother" I said. "I can finally see you... I've always want to meet you" he said. "I'm sorry I left... But I just want to have adventure" I said.


*to be continued*

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