Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

Once I'm calm. I turn to my grandfather. I walk towards him and kneel down. "Grandpa... I'll protect dad and Hikaru, even if it caused my life. Rest in peace, grandpa" I said. I lean down and place a soft kiss on his forehead. A tear escaped my eye and lands on his cheek.

-Ambushed by 4 Ninja-


We are hiding behind a bush near the beach. We're waiting for our ships to arrive. "Y/N... Do you sense anything?" Kakashi-Sensei ask me. Since I'm the one with the sharpest sense. My eyes turn blue as I sharpen my sight sense "I don't sense anything, Sensei. There's 2 possibility. 1. There are no enemy around or 2. Who ever we are facing, is good at hiding their presence or they have a jutsu to repel my sense" I respond. Kakashi-sensei nod his head in understanding.

"Then let's make a run for it" Kakashi-sensei said. We nod our head. "Go!" Kakashi-sensei instruct. Then we start running.

Dad collapse as he's struggling to run. "Dad... Come on! It's not the time to be relaxing" I said, trying to pull him up. The others run back to help me. Then I sense it. Something is coming our way. "Jump away!" I instruct as I jump. There's a Kunai, with paper bomb attached to it. It exploded, I create a shield around us so the explosion won't hurt anyone.

"Anyone hurt?" I asks. They shook their head. I turn to the other side of the smoke. There stood 4 ninja. I narrow my eyes at them. They must be working for Shabadaba. "We knew you are gonna be here. We're just waiting for the right time to attack" one of them said.

Then one of them starts attacking Naruto. I run to help him but another one attack me. I block his sword with my own. "Nice reflect" he said. I glare at him. Then I start attacking more, but I notice that my reflex is slowing down. 'What's going on?' I thought.

"The smoke.... There's must be something in the smoke" I heard Kakashi-sensei said. "Yeah... An odourless poison, that will slow down your reflex" they said. I growl "such a cheap trick. Cowards!!" I spat at them. The guy that's attacking me, starts swinging his sword at me.

Cuts shallow and deep is all over my body. I struggle to get up. "Help!!!" I heard Hikaru scream. I turn to see a guy with long red hair is hovering over him. "Hikaru!!" I screamed. Then a powerful chakra came. I turn to see Naruto on his Bijuu mode. He starts attacking them one by one. His speed increase rapidly.

I turn to see my dad is being dragged away with a sack. "Dad!!" I scream. The 4 ninja retreats. I try to chase after them but the pain on my body is too much. I stumble on my footing and fall off.

We are now resting in the forest. Sakura healed me. So I'm just sitting under a tree, with my head down. 'Dad.... I'm sorry I can't protect you' I thought as tears stream down my eyes.

Hikaru is crying as he hunch over. "Dad... It's too late" I said. Naruto got up and walk over to him. "You're just gonna give up? Hikaru... I thought you're better than that" Naruto said. Hikaru expression changed. He got up as well "I'm gonna save my dad" he said. I got up as well "so would I... He's my dad too" I said. "Count me in!" Lee said. "Me too" Sakura joins. "Well it'll be humiliation if we let these kids lead us" Kakashi-sensei said.

Then I heard a twig snap. I took out my Kunai and turn around with a battle stand. Then from the bush came out, Chamu. "Chamu!!" Hikaru said, running over and hug the sabre toothed tiger. Then the rest of the circus crew came. Kakashi-sensei have an idea that we could sneak in as the circus. "Let's save our dad!" I said, placing a hand on top of Hikaru's head. He looks up at me and nod his head.


Captain Korega leads us to a secret entrance. We are standing behind a door, that leads to the castle. Captain Korega is checking if it's safe for us to get going.

I notice Hikaru is trembling in fear. I move towards him and wrap my arms around him. "Shh... Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you with my life" I said. Naruto step forward to us "I'll protect you too" Naruto said. Lee and Sakura joins in. We entwined our pinky much like we did in the ship.

Then we starts moving. So far no one has notice us. But when we stop when one of the ninja that attacks us is standing in front of us. "I'll handle him" I said. "No! I will.... Him and I have some unfinished business to deal with" Lee interrupt. "You sure?" I asks him, worried. He turns to me and gives me a thumbs up. I smile "beat him up, Lee" I said, fist bumping with him.

Then we continue as the guy tried to stop us. Lee jump and kick him away. "Goodluck, bushy eyebrows!" Naruto exclaims. Then we continue running, but then out of no where Sakura throw a Kunai to a wall. "What's wrong?" Naruto question. We all look up to see a girl materialised. "You know?" She asks. "A little girl like you wearing heavy perfume. Go on guys, I'll handle her" Sakura said.

Then we start running again. Then the guy that battles me in the beach appear. I took out a Kunai. I turn to the others "you guys go! I'll handle him" I said. "You sure Y/N-Chan?" Naruto said to me, worried. I turn to him and smile "I'll be fine... Go on" I said. He nods and give me a quick hug, before running away. The guy tried to stop him but I block his way as I swing my sword.


*to be continued*

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