Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

Naruto looks a bit guilty but, it quickly turn back to an angry expression as he crossed his arms "he needs to be taught a lesson Y/N-Chan. He needs to learn that he can't get anything his way, that's not how things work. I know he's your Brother and all, but still" he said. Then out of no where, Sakura came running. She punch Naruto sending him flying to the ocean.


-Hikaru's Bravery-


After the small incident. Sakura tied Naruto along the journey. While the rest of us have a party.

Naruto is weeping on the ground. He turns to me "Y/N-Chan.... Please let me go" he cried. I shook my head "I'm not the one who tied you. If you want to be release... Ask Sakura to untie you" I said. He whines in respond, I just look away. If I look into his eyes I'll be sure to give in.

"I'll let you go, if you apologise to Hikaru" Sakura said. "No!" Naruto said stubbornly, turning around so his back is facing Sakura. Sakura got up from her seat, holding a plate of meat. She wave it in front of Naruto. "Suit yourself, Naruto. But you're missing out the party" she said, taking a bite. Naruto's drooling at the sight. I giggle "you're so mean, Sakura-Chan" I said. She giggles with me "serves him right" she said. I just shook my head. I turn my gaze to look at Hikaru. He looks this way, then he looks down.


Me and Kakashi-sensei is walking around the boat, making sure everything is okay. Kakashi-sensei turn to me "I still can't believe you're a part of a royal family" he said. I look up at him "yeah... I guess I put up a good act" I said. "Why did you leave?" He asks. I sigh "I don't like the way they are controlling me. My Grandfather, dad's father.... Is planning on marrying me with some prince... Everything is plan out for me. I can't do things I always wanted so... I left. Having a potential to be a shinobi, I left to Konoha and here I am now" I said. Then I look up to the sky. I sense something "storm..." I said. Kakashi turn to me "what?" He asks. "There's gonna be a storm" I said. "How'd you know..." He asks. I turn to him, my eyes turns blue "I can see it..." I said. His eyes widened and he starts running to warn everyone.

I was right... The storm strikes at night. Sakura untie Naruto. All of us Ninjas will try to do anything in our power to save all the animal. We don't have much time.

"Hurry up, Naruto! We're gonna need your help" Sakura said. "Easy for you to say! You're not starving!" Naruto argue. Sakura and Lee went ahead, to help with the people saving the animals.

Hikaru came out of his room. "Who cares about the animal... Just let them drown" he said. "What did you say?!" Naruto said, clearly pissed. He walks toward Hikaru and hold him by the collar "your Father bought the entire circus because you asked for it. First you buy them like some sort of toys. Now you are just gonna abandon them after you're bored?!" Naruto raised his fist about to punch him. I grab his wrist "Naruto! That's enough" I said. He turns to me and release Hikaru. "Just go back to bed, you're a waste of space" he said. Then he turn around "let's go, Y/N-Chan" he said. I look at Hikaru briefly, then I follow after Naruto.

Everything is a chaos. I try my best to help with everything. Then out of the corner of my eyes, I see Hikaru walking over to the cage that held Chamu. He opens the gate and let Chamu out. Then out of no where a wave came crushing to him, dragging Kiki out. Hikaru release his grip and go after Kiki, but he got dragged away by the wave. "Hikaru!" I yelled. I was about to run, but someone grabs my hand. "I'll save him" Naruto said. He used shadow clone jutsu and grab Hikaru.

Once they come back to the ship. I run forward and hug Hikaru. "You're okay... Thank god" I said, crying as I hug Hikaru. I look up where Naruto is and smile "thank you for saving my little Brother" I said. He blushed and smile back.

The storm soon died down in the morning. Dad and Hikaru came out. Then Chamu starts making his way to Hikaru. Hikaru tense and stayed still. I step forward ready to stop Chamu if he tries to attack Hikaru. But Kiki just told Hikaru to pet him. Hikaru slowly place his hand on Chamu's head. Chamu laid down. "Incredible... Chamu never act that way towards human" the owner of the circus said.

I smile and sit back down. I watch from my spot on the stair, with Sakura next to me and Naruto on the lower steps. Sakura nudge Naruto "go on" she said. Naruto looks up at her, then turn to me. I give him a close eye smile. He gulps and got up from his spot. He makes his way to Hikaru. Hikaru turn to Naruto and he looks scared.

"I'm sorry!" Naruto said as he bow. "Huh?" Hikaru said, confused. "I'm sorry for whacking you. I shouldn't have done that and you're not a piece of trash. So for saying that... I'm sorry" Naruto said, bowing again. Hikaru got up and bow to apologise as well. I smile softly at them.

Hikaru confessed that he only wants to have friends. Naruto said that he will be his friend. Chamu and Kiki respond. "Now you have 3 friends" Naruto said. Sakura got up and walks towards them. "Make that 4" she said. "Make that 5" Lee said. I got up and walk towards them "make that 6. Though I'm your Sister" I said.

Hikaru looks happy, then he frown. "What's wrong?" Sakura said. "When the mission is over, all of you will be leaving" Hikaru said. "That's right..." Sakura said. Naruto thought for a moment, then he grins "then let's make a promise" he said. Hikaru looks up at him. "I'll promise that I'll never forget you... If you would do the same. Deal?" Naruto said, holding out his pinky. Hikaru got up and nod. He entwined his pinky with Naruto "Deal" he said. Sakura nudge Naruto "wait a minute... What about us?" She said. "Right... Sorry" Naruto said. Sakura place her pinky along with the others. Next Lee, then followed by me "deal!" We say together.

Then out of no where, Chamu place his paws on our hands making us stumble and fall down. We stayed silent out of surprise, since we're not expecting it. Then we roll over, laughing. Hikaru laugh, before he starts crying. We just looks at him with a smile.

Hikaru finally laugh and get along with Naruto. Now I don't have to worry they will have another argument again. Because each time they did I always get placed in the middle, that's not a pleasant thing to experience. On one side, Naruto is my best-Friend and on the other side... Hikaru is my Brother. I don't know what to do each time they argue. I laid on my back and look up to the sky.

Things can finally get better now...

*to be continued*

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