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"you gotta let me move in with you!" angela pleaded.

"ang, tim and curly need you here. if it gets bad my door is always open." i tell her, carrying boxes from the trailer to my house.

i had packed a few boxes of clothes and personal items in the open space in the back of the trailer. it was friday night, after i was done taking boxes in i planned on going back to the dx to make sure my baby was in top condition.

"oh martini." a voice called out as i stepped into the house.

i turned to see dallas, smirking as he walked up the porch steps.

"you racin' tonight?" he asks.

"of course, i gotta pay the bills somehow." i laugh, setting the box next to the couch.

"is tim riding with you, man?" dallas continues questioning.

"i don't think so, why?" i ask back.

"you're looking at your new racing partner!" he exclaimed.

"what if i wanted to ride with her?" angela crosses her arms.

"too bad, someone's gotta look pretty while flyin' the flag. don't they?" dallas smirked down at angela, his index finger tilting her chin up.

angela pushed his hand away, huffing as she exited the house.

"so what do ya say?" the boy asks me.

"sure, but you're not getting that much money from it. maybe fifty, at the most." i inform him.

"fine by me, sweetheart. all i wanna do is witness you win not from second place." he grinned.

i rolled my eyes, exiting to go to the trailer.

"hey dal." tim nodded to dallas, a cigarette unlit between his lips.

"tim." dallas replied.

angela said they had a weird friendship, but this looked ice cold to me.

"you slash my tires?" tim asks.

"no, i didn't. don't be pointin' fingers at me." the pale greaser spit out.

tim's eyes rolled as he lit up his cigarette. "whatever, marty i cant race tonight."

"that's fine, tex here wanted to ride." i say, carrying the last box into the house before locking the door.

"win big tonight, i heard that there's gonna be a big crowd tonight. just be careful." tim patted my shoulder before walking down to sidewalk.

i started up my thunderbird, dallas excitedly hopped in. steve and sodapop knew i'd be heading over to the dx.

"so what's with you and timmy?" i asked, cruising down the beat up road.

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