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Theo lead me into the living room he had seen Rebekah and Hope in last. I made my way through the threshold and saw the blonde unconcious on the wooden floor with a stake through her heart. I rushed towards her, crouching beside her body.

I pulled the stake out, "Rebekah, wake up!"

I turned my head, glancing towards the fireplace where Theo had said Hope had thrown her bracelet into. The flames were still flickering on the logs. My hand moved upwards and I extinguished them.

My eyes moved back down to Rebekah's still unconcious body, "Why aren't you waking?"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Theo moving towards the fireplace. I pushed myself to my feet, "Theo, don't touch the bracelet, not until we know Hope's okay. We don't know what the Hollow's done or what's going to happen."

"What is happening?" His confused voice asked as he made his way back towards me.

But how could I answer that if I didn't even know myself? My eyes shot down the Rebekah, who, for some reason was still laying unconcious. It must be a spell the Hollow used to keep her down.

I held my hand out towards the five year old, "Come on, we need to find Aunt Freya."

"Freya, I've been thinking all morning about what happened last night." Hayley's voice came from one of the studies down the hallway. I took Theo's hand and began to walk towards her voice, "The Hollow had me, she could have killed me but she didn't, she just took my blood and left. Why?"

"Blood can be used for a number of reasons." Freya told her as we approached the doorway, "Locator spells, healing spells, linking spells."

"How about mixing that with possession?" I questioned, entering the room with my son, "It seems she's taken to inhabiting Hope's body."

Hayley let out an anxious breath, like she already knew the Hollow had done something to Hope, "She knows I won't hurt my own daughter."

"What do we do?" Freya asked, looking like she had no clue, yet she was the eldest witch I knew.

"Kol was talking about a stablising herb or something like that." I told her, "We were wondering if you had any?"

Freya stood from her seat opposite Hayley and nodded, "I think I can find some. I'll be back as soon as possible."

The blonde stormed past Theo and I and out of the room. My eyes met Hayley's as she stood, "I'll go find my daughter, or the Hollow -- you know what I mean."

This must have been so hard for Hayley. I couldn't even imagine this happening to Theo, I didn't want to. Hope was seven, she was barely even capable of controlling her magic and now some psychotic witch was possessing her.

"Yeah." I nodded, letting out a sigh, "Make sure she stays in the compound. I'll go see if Kol's found anything."


Theo ran into the study we had previously been in with Kol, and I walked in after him. Kol was standing on a chair, searching a high shelf in the bookcase near the desk, "Hey, did you find anything?"

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