Chapter 1

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As I walked down the halls I could hear everyone talking about the BTS concert happening that night. For some reason my school is obsessed with these 7 korean boys that they can't even understand. My friends tried talking me into going with them but I couldn't just waste money on a show I didn't want to see in the first place, and those tickets are not cheap. I turned the corner and ran into (f/n), she was already wearing her BTS 'Love Yourself' hoodie that she ordered just for today.

"(y/n)! Today's the day!" She smiled, "I can't believe I'm actually going to meet the most beautiful people in the world."

"Last year you said Zayn Malik was the most beautiful person in the world." I laughed.

"Yeah but this is different." She frowned jokingly. We linked arms as we walked to our next class together. Being seniors all the lower classmen moved to the side of the hall's to make way for us.

"(y/n), (f/n)! It's Friday! Only 6 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds until we see... Jin." Jackie's face seemed to turn into the human version of the heart eyes emoji.

"Don't forget Jimin." Louise added.

"And V." (f/n) finally spoke. "I'm going to give Taehyung the biggest hug when I see him." They all continued to squeal about some fantasy visit they're gonna have with the Bangtan boys.

"You guys are ridiculous. You're acting like you're about to meet the love of your lives."

"We are." They said in unison. I never really understood how people could be so devoted to an artist, like I enjoy listening to Shawn Mendes but you don't see me planning a wedding for us.

"I'm still dumbfounded by the fact you don't like BTS." Jackie stated.

"It's not that I don't like them it's just why would I obsess over music and boys that I can't even understand." We continued walking. Jackie and Louise started babbling on about all the reason why I should love them, they talked over each other so it was hard to pick out specifics of their reasoning.

"Hey, guys. She doesn't need to listen to them if she doesn't want to. Just be glad she's giving us a ride to the concert." (f/n) backed me up. Even though she is also blinded by her love for the boys she was the only one that didn't scold me for not listening to them. (f/n) has been my friend since grade school, she's my best friend. Even if we don't agree on everything. Finally all 4 of us entered the classroom. "But I mean I'm still gonna send you every snapchat of Tae Tae." She smiled at his name.

"Aww that's cute. Do you really think V is gonna even bat an eye at you. You're not even close to his type." Allie and her friends walked up to us. Here we go again. "I'm the perfect girl for him and when he sees me it won't take long for him to fall for me." She smirked.

"He wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole-" I pulled (f/n) back.

"I think you guys are forgetting but he's , what 24, and lives in Korea. An american high schooler is probably last on his list."

"That just goes to show how much you know. He's 22." One of Allies minions answered.

"Wow. I just- wow. Okay well, you enjoy Taehoon-"

"Taehyung" They all corrected.

"Yeah. Him. Let's go." I motioned to my friends to sit at our table. It's gonna be a long day.


I tapped my foot on the floor while waiting for my friends to come out of Jackie's house. "Come on guys! You're gonna be late!" I was the only one in the group with a car so of course I offered to drive them to and from the concert. I honked the horn lightly to get their attention.

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