Chapter 62

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"Have you seen the inside of the church yet? It's huge!" Mason jumped with excitement.

"I've seen pictures.. The press was already here when I got here so they took me straight to the back." I tried to keep my face still as the women did my makeup.

The day of the wedding was finally here and I felt completely lost without Taehyung by my side. He thinks it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding so he left while I was still asleep. I'm glad Misha and Mason are with me.

The door to the room opened and closed quickly as Misha entered, already dressed and primed to perfection.

"They're going to let guests in soon." She joined the small clump of people surrounding me.

The first few rows will be full of family and friends while the rest is for press and the lucky vlive winners. Almost every members family is coming and a bunch of my classmates have been flown out as well. As excited as I am for the ceremony I absolutely can't wait for the reception. It's closed off to the public so it will just be friends and family. Away from the cameras we'll all be able to enjoy ourselves while surrounded by people we love.

Taehyung POV

"I'm getting maaaaried, i'm getting maaaaaried-" I sung while twirling around the room. All the members were scattered around celebrating. Hoseok was popping along to the music while Jimin opened a bottle of wine prematurely. It was early in the morning but we were all dressed and ready for the day to finally start.

"Nervous?" Namjoon smiled at me.

"Not at all. I just want it to start already." The excitement in my voice was undeniably present. He pat my back reassuringly before continuing.

"They'll start letting people in soon. Just enjoy the day." I simply smiled in response. It's hard to enjoy myself completely when (y/n) isn't around but I'm sure she's having fun with her friends.

I shoved my hand into my pocket and ran my fingers along the folded paper residing there. Memories of the sleepless nights I spent quietly writing my vows while she slept peacefully next to me. I hope she likes it.

"Have you thought about the honeymoon?" Jungkook's question called all the members to clump together curiously.

"Yes, but do you think we'll have time? The tour starts almost in a few weeks.."

"Of course you have time!" Jin blurted out. "I will not allow you to spend your honeymoon in rehearsal and on tour." The rest murmured in agreeance.

"I'll book something then." Immediately pulling out my phone I started to piece together a trip she'll never forget.

(Y/n) POV

"Wow." My friends sat at the other end of the room eyeing me when I finally put on my dress. "You look like a princess." Misha gushed.

The dress was a lot snugger than it was when I first tried it on. My once pronounced baby bump now almost nonexistent. Seeing myself without it made me feel a weird sense of loss.

The calm of the room disappeared as the door was opened by a staff member.

"It's time." She spoke rushed. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror I followed her out the door, Misha and Mason close behind.

You could hear the loud volume of the crowd from outside the closed doors. The sound of fangirls and clicking of cameras the most prominent.

"You ready?" I spun on my heels to see Yoongi, his precious gummy smile beaming at me.

"Beyond ready." He took his place by linking his arm in mine and allowing my two friends to go in front of us. The music started and I could no longer hear the whispers of the crowd even as the door opened. One at a time my friends entered the room until they took their place at the end of the isle.

"Let's do this." Yoongi whispered to me as he guided me to the door.

Upon my entrance everyone stood. Usually the feeling of being watched would make me feel uneasy but as soon as I locked eyes with the man waiting for me on the other side of the room nothing else seemed to matter. As I walked closer he had a harder time controlling his smile, it was the biggest I've ever seen it. His gorgeous brown eyes were glassy with tears.

As quickly as it started it stopped and Yoongi turned ot me to give me one lasting hung before taking our places in the front.

Namjoon was ecstatic when we asked him to marry us. Basically jumping with joy at the thought of it. Now he stood proudly next to us as he began the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate and love between Kim Taehyung and (y/n) (l/n). Though they have not been together long, their love and respect for each other is clear to anyone that sees them." He paused. "Taehyung and (y/n), you have traveled thousands of miles together but you're about to take a few steps together like nothing you've ever done before. With these steps you're committing yourself into a eachothers lives forever." He turned to the crowd. "They will now read the vows they've written for eachother."

I turned to grab my paper from Mason who stood a few feet behind me. The big dope was already crying. Slightly struggling I unfolded the lined paper I had previously torn out of an old school composition book.

"Taehyung." I smiled as the word left my lips effortlessly. "I love you. I love you so much that the word love doesn't even begin to describe how I feel for you. You're the first person I see when I wake up and the last I see when I go to sleep, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Our relationship has never been normal but that's fine because you're not normal. You're super talented, absolutely crazy most of the time and stupidly handsome. Thank you for always loving me and I can't wait for the rest of our lives together." I whipped away the stray tears that had managed to escape as I spoke.

"Is it too early to kiss her?" The crowd laughed as he spoke through his large tears. "Okay," He grabbed a paper out of his coat pocket. "(y/n). I choose to give you my heart. I choose to laugh, cry and grow with you. To support you no matter your decisions. I will always choose our love. I will always choose you. I loved you when we had our first kiss, when you attempt to dance like us, when you screw up simple korean words, and I will continue to love you as you continue to make me laugh. This moment on our family is tied together forever. You, me, and our baby."

The crowd erupted in whispers at his words while the rest of us were unphased by the news.

"You may now kiss the bride."

A/N: Hey guys.. long time no see... -M

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