Chapter 19

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It's been a few weeks since I've moved back to the states. I never knew how it felt to be homesick till now. I miss cuddling Taehyung and messing around with the boys. Plus I get new photos of the puppy every second and I want to meet him so badly. My life had begun to feel like the living version of 'Tomorrow'; Ctrl C, Ctrl V. I spent most of my time on the phone talking to the boys, I've basically gone back to KST (South Korean Time) since I stayed up all night to talk to them. My friends say it's a problem but honestly it makes me feel better, it's like I'm back home.

As I sat next to my friends in the noisy lunchroom my phone started to ring.

"Tae? Is everything okay?" My sudden switch to Korean took everyone by surprise but they quickly brushed it off.

"Yeah I just miss you."

"Awe, I miss you too." A smile grew on my face.

"Hey, what are you doing for spring break?" A questioned.

"Uhm, nothing. Why?" I threw a grape in my mouth.

"Bang PD said if Mic Drop gets onto billboard's top 100 they'd fly you to Hawaii with us." I didn't even hang up before putting the phone down and standing on the table and started yelling.

"Hey! Everyone be quiet and listen!" My friends tugged at my pants to get me to sit down, I could still hear Taehyung coming from my phone. The lunchroom went quiet as I requested and had their focus on me. "If BTS's song Mic Drop gets onto the top 100 list before next week I will get you all autographs." Everyone began digging in their bags to retrieve their electronics. It didn't take long until the room was blasting with the song. I picked my phone back up and continued the call, "I'll go dust off my passport." I said my goodbyes and hung up, going back to my previous conversation with my friends.

"What was that about?" (f/n) asked.

"Nothing to worry about."

"Hey (y/n), you should come to the party tomorrow night. It's gonna be crazy." Jackie took a bite from her pizza.

"You know I can't.." I gestured back to my bodyguards.

"Just sneak out, nothing bad will happen." She drew an 'X' over her heart. She saw the hesitation on my face, "You stay up all night anyway, at least have fun while doing it."

"Fine, I'll try." I smiled. It's been a while since I've actually been out, maybe that's what I needed. A little partying.


I could feel my heart pounding as I waited for my friends to text me. After a little bit of self convincing I built up enough courage to go to the party, well try to. I sat on my bed, I was wearing a slightly skimpy skin tight dress that I had bought for an event with the boys but accidently shrunk in the wash. Our school was notorious for our rave like parties so you had to dress the part. Finally my phone buzzed.

'We're a street over' Louise texted.

I grabbed my bag and swung on my jacket. My heels uncontrollably tapped on the stairs as I walked. Kang and Ryu would be in their car in front of the house so I had avoid being seen at all cost. The best course of action was to sneak through my neighbors yard.

The chilly February air hit my bare legs as I trotted to the back fence, I really hate heels. Using all the upper body strength I could muster I pulled myself on top the fence. The windows were all dark which allowed me to easier walk through the yard to their side gate. From the front of the house I saw a black jeep approach. The windows rolled down and I was met with Jackie, Louise, (f/n), Elle, and (f/n)'s boyfriend Tyler. I could see Tyler scan me up and down, what an ass.

The 5 of them joked around during the ride over, I sent Taehyung one last text before sliding into my purse. When we pulled up in front of the house it was overflowing with teenagers. The music blasted out of the house and the front yard was a sea of disregarded solo cups. Girls drunkenly laughed in skin tight sequin dresses while the guys hooted at them. If Taehyung saw me right now he'd put me in a onesie and keep me under house arrest for my entire life.

"Come let's go get a drink!" Jackie took my hand in hers and pulled me into the house. The table was covered in bowls of spiked drinks. I've only gotten drunk one and that was after I failed my first midterm. Without protest I took one of the drinks from my friends hand and chugged it. My throat stung as the vodka made its way down.

"That's the spirit (l/n)!" The rowdy football team yelled.

After a few more drinks and a couple of shots I was completely drunk. I laughed and danced with strangers, grinding up on them while running my hand through my hair. My phone buzzed from inside my bag. A new tweet from BTS with an image of Taehyung attached.

"Oh my god! Look at my boyfriend!" I turned the phone to the nearest person, "He's so handsome." I dramatically sighed. She let out a little squeal when I showed her the photo, she was obviously an ARMY. I ran my thumb down the side of his face, "I'm gonna marry that boy someday." I smiled. I stumbled off of the dance floor to share my thoughts on my extremely good looking boyfriend to almost everyone. I saw (f/n) and Tyler basically eating each others faces so I went the other direction.

"(y/n)! Come play!" Elle called me over while presenting a ping pong ball to me. Everybody cheered as I took it from her. The game began and I was actually doing pretty well.

Both sides were down to one cup, I steadied my hand to toss the ball when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, Kang!" I slurred. "You came just in time, I'm gonna win this thing!" I turned back to the table right as my opponent shot his ping pong ball into my last cup. "Uh oh!" I laughed.

I didn't realize I was being carried until I got outside. He plopped me into the back seat and put my seatbelt on for me. "Hi Ryu!" I waved. They both looked upset. "What."

"You could have been hurt."

"Don't forget you're underage!"

"Okay okay I'm sorry. I just needed to get out you know." I rubbed my eyes. "Could you guys keep this a secret? If Bang PD found out about this they wouldn't let me go to Hawaii." I over dramatically poured. They looked at each other before speaking.

"We asked around. You didn't do anything bad, just talked about your boyfriend- who we are telling." I was about to protest but they cut me off. "We won't tell the company as long as you don't sneak out again."

"Okay mom- I mean, Kang."

As we drove home the light humming of the car put me to sleep. Tomorrow is going to suck.

A/N: Honestly this chapter is some what decent and I'm very proud of myself. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment and if you're feeling generous share it with your ARMY friends so they can all enjoy it. -M

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