Chapter 11

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Taehyung P.O.V

(y/n) will be coming in 2 days. It's her first time leaving California and her first time on a plane. I wish I could be there with her to hold her hand when it takes off but I'll get to see her soon after. BigHit was somehow able to get her a US passport within a week, she complained about how terrible her picture was when she first got it.

I ran around the dorm cleaning every inch while singing as loud as I could. Barging into RM's recording space I saw he was broadcasting on V-live. I threw my cleaning wipes on the couch and started sporadically dancing.

"Hello!" I ran up to the camera and waved. My explosive dancing lasted for a few more seconds before I ran out the room to continue cleaning.

Everything had to be perfect when when she came. I had already stocked the kitchen with all her favorite snacks which had sticky note with her name on it to keep the others from eating it. She will only be here for a few days but that won't stop me from making everything perfect.

Today are called to a meeting to talk about (y/n) trip and all the precautions we have to take. We walked into the car that waited for us in front of the building. I could hardly sit still during the drive to the studio.

When we entered the conference room our entire crew lined the walls. They left each of us a chair at the table, I sat at the very end of the table so I could get the best view of our manger talking.

"Now that everyone is here we can begin. As you all know (y/n) (l/n) will be visiting in a few day. She will be staying in the dorms with the boys, I already set up extra security for the building. We also assigned Kang and Ryu as her personal body guards," He gestured to 2 large men standing against the wall. "For her comfort we made sure they are both fluent in english, so they will also be her translators. They will be with her whenever she leaves the dorm." He flipped the page. "Your schedule for the 5 days she is here will still be done. She will have to accompany you to interviews, rehearsals, and whatever else is scheduled. If something is to happen where her face is revealed you must take her straight back to the dorm. Close all windows and keep her there until we can figure out the best course of action." A grin was plastered on my face. It was hard to pay attention to what he was saying when all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and sing her a million songs.

I wonder what she was doing right now.

(y/n) P.O.V   

I pushed through the crowd of people in the hallway. Through my earbuds I could hear my phone was ringing, I looked at down at the caller Id. I answered the call immediately.

"Hey T, you know you're facetiming me at school right?"

"Yes, I just wanted to see you're pretty face." I blushed. He must have been covering his camera because the screen was all black other than my face in the corner.

"You're too swee-" I was cut off when someone ran into me, knocking me to the floor. I looked up to see Alex and his friends laughing. They seemed to be playing their wrists like violins but I knew that's not what it was. My stomach turned at the sight and I pulled down my sleeves a little more.

"(y/n), who was that?" The phone fell perfectly on top of my binder, propping it up just enough to see the whole situation go down. "What did he do?" I've never heard him as upset as he was.

"That's.. Uh... Alex. My ex." I gathered my things off the floor. "Don't worry about him though, I try my best to avoid him." I gave a weak smile.

"I have to go."

"Oh okay, I'll call you lat-" The call ended. Is he mad? I've told him about Alex before, maybe not about the bullying and abuse part but I've definitely brought him up before. What if he saw the cuts... would he dump me over that? My breathing became shallow as I increased my pace down the hall to my next class.



Taehyung hasn't spoken to me since yesterday. I called him a few times after school and they all went straight to voicemail. I called some of the boys and they said he came out of his room acting weird, angrier than they've ever seen him. Namjoon said he heard him leave last night and no one has seen or heard from him since. Of course my mind went to the worst possible scenarios; kidnapped, beaten, shot, murdered. They told me not to worry and that they'd tell me as soon as they found him. That didn't stop me from being a nervous wreck. I jumped at the slightest movement and my hands trembled.

The lunch bell rang and I ran to the bathroom, locking myself in the stall. He probably blocked me and the others felt sorry so they were lying to me. I don't blame him for hating me. Am I even still going to Korea? I dug through my bag for my wallet, when I finally found it I reached into one of the card slots and pulled out a familiar silver blade. It didn't take long before it made contact with my already raw wrists. This time going deeper than before, the pain caused me to let out a gasp. The blood oozed out and ran down my arm. I watched was the red liquid moved, turning my pale skin into a crimson red. It wasn't enough to kill me, it just let me release pent up emotions. I grabbed the toilet paper from the roll next to me and wiped up the blood before returning to the lunch room.

I slammed my bag down and laid my head to rest on the table.

"Has he texted you back yet?" Jackie asked cautiously. I replied with a loud grunt. "I'm sure he has a valid excuse." She tried to reassure me. I continued to stay quiet as they resumed their conversation. I tried distracting myself with their words. They were talking about their weekend plans, a few I was supposed to part take in. The bell rung and I dragged my feet to the final class of the day.

As my friends followed me out of the school I checked my phone for what felt like the thousand time that day, still no reply. Alex and his friends had caught up to us and tried to trip me as I walked and lightly pushed me from behind. From my peripheral vision I could see the crowd of kids move aside to create an isle. I looked up and saw a man in a black surgical mask approaching me. His golden hair peaked out from under his hoodie, anger in his eyes. My heart sped.

"Taehyun-" He carefully moved me out of the way and slammed his fist into Alex's jaw. Despite his obvious height difference he was a lot stronger, the impact cause alex to fall back. Blood smeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you ever touch (y/n) again!" He shouted. His low voice sounded like a growl. It didn't take people long before realizing who he was and begun taking pictures. I walked up behind him and put my hand on his arm, his muscles were tense. My touch snapped him out of his anger and he wrapped his arms around me before pulling me towards the parking lot. He dug in my backpack and pulled out my car keys. I could hear the crowd break into a loud jumble of questions. Without looking back I jumped into the passenger seat and let Tae drive me away. His hand found mine and held onto it like if he didn't I'd fly away.

He pulled into my driveway and jumped out of the car. He ran to my door and swung it open, I jumped out and he grabbed my wrists causing me to flinch at the pain. He must have saw my reaction. He twisted my arm around and pushed up my sleeve, I didn't stop him. When he saw the lines of scars and fresh scabs that littered my skin his face turned white. Tears began to come from my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. His grip tightened and he pulled me into the house and to the bathroom closest to my room.

"Where is it?" He said angrily. He released my arm and started rummaging through my bathroom. He poured out every bag he found and emptied all the drawers until he found a small blame taped to the bottom of one of the drawers, it still had a bit of blood on it. My breathing quickened and I tried to take it from him. His reflects were a lot faster and he managed to throw it in the toilet and flush it before I could get to it.

"No!" I screamed. He slumped onto the ground next to me and pulled me into his lap. My crying was hysterical.

"(y/n). Please promise me you'll never do that again." I didn't reply. "(y/n)! Please!" He begged. I could tell from the shake in his voice that he was crying too.

"I promise." I managed to say. He let out a large breath before hiding his face into the back of my neck, letting his tears fall freely.

A/N: To be honest I'm kinda jealous that I'm writing this and none of this is a surprise to me. It's getting spicy!  Thanks for reading! Comment what you think! -M

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