Chapter 4

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It was the next morning, the memories of the previous night caused me to smile. I wished I could have had one of the pictures with him but I know they didn't want anyone to know. People at school will be asking questions, and I don't know how to respond. What would cause a driver to pick me up from school like that. I'm just hoping for the best.

Once I got to school I could already feel everyones eyes on me. Whispers were exchanged as I walked through the halls.

"(y/n) I need the story." (f/n) demanded.

"About what?"

"You know what. The driver and why you didn't answer me at all yesterday." She was upset.

"The car was one of my dad's company cars." She knows I'm lying. "I was busy studying all night, I didn't answer anyone." She stared at me in the eyes.

"Ugh, I wish I studied more. I'm gonna fail this test." I let out a sigh of relief, she believed me. This secret might be easier to keep then I thought.

Taehyung P.O.V

I just want to text her that's all. If I can't be around her then I want to a least talk to her. Before rehearsal Rapmon had taken my phone so I wouldn't be distracted but it didn't work. I sat in the conference room waiting for the meeting to start so I could get my phone back.

"Tae!" Jimin ran over and jumped into my lap. "Thinking about your girlfriend again?" He poked my neck.

"She's not my girlfriend.." I pushed him off.

"Don't be all grumpy we still have an interview to do today." Suga joined. I know that BTS is my job and I would never do anything to let the members down but I really just wanted to spend time with (y/n) before I have to leave.

"Can (y/n) come with us!" Everyone turned to me.

"To the interview?" Rapmon asked.

"Yeah, she'll wear a disguise and she can stay in the back." They looked at me like I was crazy. "Please." I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll go ask." Jimin rolled his eyes.

(y/n) P.O.V

"I can't believe Allie got tickets to their ellen interview tonight. So unfair." Jackie stabbed her fruit with a plastic fork. The news was released that BTS would be on Ellen tonight which I was excited to watch later but the thought of Allie being near V and not me made me upset. I don't know why, it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything.

"She can stalk them all she wants but did you guys see the pictures that came out this morning? Taehyung and mystery woman." Louise set her phone on the table and (f/n) grabbed it.

"I'll kill her." She said.

"You don't mean that." I asked cautiously.

"I sure do." I've been seen with him once and I've already received death threats from my best friend. Great.

"(y/n), your phone is buzzing." Jackie pointed across the table.

'Wanna come to the interview with us?' Taehyung had messaged. I knew this was wrong. (f/n) loved him so much.. But honestly I did too. I hope she understands.

'Of course!' I replied.


V told me to wait in the very back of the parking lot at my school for him to pick me up. We'd head straight to the studio after getting me. Honestly I'm nervous to spend time with the rest of the boys, they all seemed nice but what if they don't like me back. It feels like my first day back at school.

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