Chapter 55

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Hand in hand we made our way into the clinic. It took us a few hours late last night to find a private office that provides prenatal care. Most places were bigger hospitals but we couldn't take a chance on someone seeing Taehyung there. We wanted to keep this a secret for as long as possible.

Speaking of keeping this a secret we could already tell how difficult it was going to be. It's been a day and we've both almost let it slip to one of the boys.

After signing in we waited a few minutes before being called back. The clinic was very basic and smelled of hand sanitizer. I've never liked doctors offices. No matter what you're waiting for something: The doctor, the results, to leave.

"Hi I am nurse Lee, nice to meet you both." The woman smiled. "I see you're here for a prenatal consultation." We nodded. "Congratulations! First we'll need to confirm the pregnancy." She opened a covenant in front of her. "Pee in this cup and then leave it in the bathroom. The doctor will be in with the results a couple minutes." And with that she left.

"I'll be here." Taehyung supportively squeezed my hand. I walked out of the room and hunted for the bathroom.

Everything here moved surprisingly quickly. It only took 5 minutes after I arrived back to Taehyung when the doctor appeared.

"Well, congrats, the test came out positive." He had a large smile on his face, his name tag read 'Dr. Pak' "You're only about 3 weeks along so you won't be having your first ultrasound for another 15 to 20 weeks." I looked over at Taehyung, his eyes were glued to the man like he was at some life changing seminar. "Now, I did look at your medical records. Because of the incident you have a lot of scarring on your uterus which could bring difficulties later. The scar tissue won't stretch like the rest which could be very painful for you." He placed his glasses down onto the counter. "Because the entire uterus can't stretch the same there is a chance of having problems with the child's development and giving birth."

"We understand the risks. When I found out I kind of assumed that was how it was gonna be." I replied. The doctor quickly moved past the grim subject and went on to telling us the usual things. What I can and can't eat, how we should wait till the second trimester to tell people, when I should expect changes. The whole shebang.

After the appointment we sat in the car basically braindead after taking in so much information.

"Hey." Tae whispered over to me.


"We're gonna be parents." His box smile appeared causing me heart to flutter.

"Yeah we are."


We took the next hour car ride back to the dorm to call our parents and tell them. His parents screamed with joy at the news. My parents were concerned about having a child so young but were still very happy. Telling them made it seem a lot more real, it was no longer just between us.

"What about Soonja?" I shook my head. "Miyoung?."

"You sure are full of girl names, what if it's a boy?"

"It won't be, I've always wanted a little girl, I just know it's gonna be one." Silence fell over us as we walked to the elevator. "What about Jia?"

"I could live with Jia."

With a ding the elevator opened and we made our way to the dorm. Approaching the door voices could be heard on the other side. Before we could reach to open the door it flew open with Namjoon on the other side. His face was scrunched while he laughed.

"You guys got here at the perfect time." He pulled us in. Looking around the room Jin and Hobi were basically crying from laughing on the couch, Yoongi was yelling stuff at no one in particular but he also seemed amused, Namjoon was laughing but had control over himself, and Jimin was running around muttering something.

"What's going on? Where's Jungkook?" My question made him laugh even more.

"Follow me." He pulled us into one of the hallways. Jimin was crouched in front of Jungkook's door clawing at it in frustration.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to play!" Jimin called out at the door.

"Can someone get me out of here! I have to pee." Jungkook called from his room.

"Kookie locked himself in his room to play videogames and Jimin tried to get in but ended up jamming the lock." Namjoon explained. I could hear a small snort come from Taehyung. The yelling continued and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Just break the door down." Yoongi approached.

"If you do you're buying me a new one." Jungkook yelled.

"Oh! I'll get a hammer." Tae ran off. Jin and Jhope's laughing could still be heard from the living room. "Watch out!" He came running down the hall with the hammer in hand. As soon as we jumped out of the way he repeatedly slammed the hammer into the wood. Once there was a hole big enough for a hand to fit in Jungkook took the hammer for himself and broke through the rest until it snapped in half. Stepping out of the room his eyes scanned for Jimin.

"Jungkook.. Wait-" He took off with Kookie hot on his trail, Namjoon followed to prevent any real injuries.

Taehyung arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Our baby will never be bored." He whispered into my ear. I smiled in response.

"Hey." I turned to Yoongi. "Are you really going to be buying him a door?"

"Of course not. I don't have time. He'll have to deal with it until we move out." He walked off back to his studio.

"Looks like Jimin won't be bored anymore." I laughed.

"What about Jimin for a boy name?"

"Oh god. Why would we- ugh." I started walking towards our room.

"What? Kim Jimin.. It has a nice ring!" He chased after me.

A/N: My show closed this week so I've had lots of time to write. Thanks for reading! If you have any name ideas (Korean or western/ boy or girl) please comment them, I'm really bad with names :)) -M

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