Chapter 69

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The tour was cancelled along with all remaining events. The 2 of them locked themselves inside his room. I mean we all have since what happened, but at least the rest of the guys come out to eat as a group. Taehyung only leaves to get the two of them food when no one else is around.

We hear them crying, a lot. Especially her, then again you can't really blame her for crying- she's just a baby. It's been 2 weeks since he brought the baby home from the hospital, almost 3 since she was born. She still doesn't have a name.

Namjoon went in a few days ago to talk to him. He said Tae is just sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. He said he's never seen his eyes so puffy from crying, and from being sleep deprived. It didn't seem like he had put the baby down since they got home.

They announced (y/n)'s death a few days after it happened. It has hit us all hard: Jungkook and Jin haven't said anything but a couple of words, Namjoon has thrown himself into his work to distract himself, Hoseok hasn't smiled even once and mainly just sleeps, Yoongi has only been sober 3 days in total.

Friends and family have tried to reach out, to assure we're all okay. For the most part we answer, but half the time we're lying with our answers. We're not okay.

"Kim Taehyung! Quiet that baby down!" Yoongi yelled from outside the door with an obvious hangover, "Some of us are trying to rest." There was no answer from the other side of the door. "Yah! Kim Taehyung!"

"Hey, yelling isn't going to help. She's probably hungry, just let him go get a bottle." I spoke.
Yoongi stormed off back to his room. We know Taehyung won't leave his room unless the kitchen and living room is empty so I slowly walked back to mine as well.

Taehyung POV

I didn't know it was possible to feel completely numb. I'm not sad, I'm just empty. I should look down at my baby, the baby I almost lost, and be overwhelmed with love but I can't. Sometimes when I look at her I just become angry and lost. How can something so small and precious both give me and take away so much.

The baby was a perfect combination of the two of us. With her lips and my nose it made a beautiful pair, as I always knew it would. I just wish (y/n) we're here to see it too.

They said complications during the c-section caused it, and that there was nothing they could do. My mind keeps bringing me back to that second, I know she told me to go after the baby but she looked so weak I should have stayed with her till the end.

Slowly I got up from the bed that was now molded to my body shape from being on it too much and walked out of the room. Holding the baby in one arm I mixed the formula and put it in the bottle, I've gotten pretty good at doing it with only one hand. Still crying I offered her the bottle which she gladly took. At times like this where I feel a strong connection with her,it's hard knowing her birth was the reason (Y/n) was taken from me but at least it didn't take the baby from me too.

It's the week I've been dreading since sharing the news about the death. Her parents will be flying out to Korea to help with funeral preparations and to meet their granddaughter for the first time. My parents have dropped by a few times but I was in no place to face them, still it was nice to know they care.
Back in my room I couldn't help but review my reflection in the mirror. My once muscular body had started to wilt and there was a large dark circle under my eyes. It's been a while since i've had a real meal, or a full night's rest. The others have offered to watch the baby to give me time to take care of myself but I can't bring myself to separate from her for longer than the time it takes for me to shower, I can't lose her and if anything happened to her I don't know what I'd do.

The room was a mess, used tissues, empty boxes that once held baby furniture, and dirty clothes were scattered around the floor- covering almost every inch of hard wood except for a single path that led to the door to my bed. I'll admit, I'm a mess but can you blame me?

A small knock came from the other side of the door, "Taehyung, (y/n)'s parent's just landed. They said they'll be here in a few hours. You should clean yourself up a bit before they show up." Hoseks voice said gently. I didn't respond, I can't really remember the last time I spoke beside the occasional 'shhh'ing when the baby cried.

I waited for the sounds of voices in the kitchen to disappear before I began heading towards the bathroom down the hall. Placing the fragile girl into her carrier on the floor of the bathroom I began to peel off the sweat covered vomit stained clothes I was wearing previously and turned on the shower head. The baby coo'd in curiosity at the falling water. Finally stepping in the shower I could feel the grime immediately start to wash away, it felt good.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous to see (Y/n)'s parents. What do you say to someone who just lost their only child? What will they say when I tell them the baby is still unnamed? They wouldn't try to take custody of her would they?

I washed the rest of the product out of my hair and turned the water off. Stepping onto the cold tile my foot slipped, landing on my hands and knees in the empty spot next to the carrier. The sudden thud caused the baby to begin to cry.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Papa's okay." I scooped her up and held her against my damp chest. I rubbed my knee to try to take some of the pain away before standing up. With a towel wrapped around my waist and baby in hand I quickly made my way back to my room to get the both of us dressed.
The sound of the front door opening woke me up from my nap, I was finally able to get some sleep in after the baby fell asleep as well.

There were unfamiliar voices coming from the entryway, her parents must have arrived. The baby was unfazed and continued to sleep peacefully. Taking a deep breath before walking out my door I turned the knob and pulled it towards me. The faces of Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, and (y/n)'s parents turned to me.

At the sight of me her parents broke down and began to cry, pulling me into a tight hug. I couldn't help but join in on their sobs. Her dad let go first but before her mother released me she whispered in my ear "Thank you for everything you did for her.", looking back at my face she gave me a weak yet comforting smile.

We sat in silent for a moment before I spoke, "Uh-" My voice was scratchy from crying, "I'll go get her." I slipped back into my room and by the time I walked out the rest of the members had joined.

At the sight of the baby her mother gasped and brought her hands over her mouth, her dad still inferalled in emotion.

"Oh, hello there little one," She grabbed her small hand. "What's her name?" She looked up at me.
"It's uh-" I looked between all of their faces. "Bora. Her name is Bora."

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