Chapter 47

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The boys ran backstage after their second performance. Most of them chugged bottles of water while people fanned them off. I was still standing off to the side waiting for their interview to start. As taehyung passed to get to the changing room he kissed my cheek leaving remnants of sweat on my face. Nasty.

Retreating back to the greenroom I snuck to the front of the crowd of people watching the large screen. The boys appeared on the screen and the interview quickly started.

Fans screamed for each member and cheered at any of their actions. I could see Ellen become exhausted from trying to speak over them. As the camera switched to show the audience I could see some familiar faces. (F/n), Jackie, Louise, and Allie with her group. Maybe I should go say hi after.

Ellen started to talk after getting the crowd to settle.

"Do any of you have girlfriends?" RM nudged Tae causing him to blush, the other member joined in at the proding while the audience cheered. "I remember meeting her last time, how is she?"

"She is good. Very happy and healthy." He looked straight into the camera. "(Y/n)! I love you." He held his arms up to make a big heart. The crew members I was around aw'd along with the audience. Suddenly Jin leaned in and whispered something to him causing him to whisper something Namjoon.

"Go ahead." He encouraged him. A large smile appeared on Taehyung's face revealing his adorable cheeks.

"I'm very happy to announce that we are engaged." He spoke with perfect english.

To say the crowd went ballistic would be an understatement. Girls were crying, screaming, jumping up and down and I think I might have saw one faint. A picture of the two of us was projected up onto the screen. I recognized it right away. It was a photo that Jimin posted on twitter of Tae and I singing into chopsticks while eating ramen.

At the sight of it Jimin started to laugh, almost falling off his chair. Taehyung grabbed at his heart and let out a dramatically high pitched sound.

Ellen congratulated him before continuing on with the interview. It lasted for a few minutes more before they started to say goodbye. I almost fell over laughing when a large man in a blonde wig jumped out from inside the side table to scare them.

The boys went around waving to their fans before retreating backstage.

Tae's arms immediately found their way around me.

"Finally everyone is gonna know. No more hiding it!" He squealed.

"They all seemed so excited." I held onto him for a few more seconds before detaching from him. "Do you think I can go out and say hi to the audience out front, I saw some people I know." He hesitated before responding.

"Okay but take security with you."

He wrangled up all spare security guards and sent them with me. After spotting them in the crowd that had formed in the lobby waiting for BTS to walk to their car I figured it would be best to sneak over to them by myself. Of course under Tae's wishes security stayed close just in case.

Quickly throwing on a pair of Jimin's glasses that I stole along with a hoodie I made my way into the crowd. Thankfully they were closer to the back of the fans so it was easy to find them. Everyone was on their phones, probably tweeting about the big news. No one even glanced at me.

"Hey." I started shyly. Louise was the first to recognize me.

"Holy shit." She stared at me like I was a ghost. All of their attention was turned to me, thankfully their eyes weren't showing any sign of still being mad at me.

"I saw you guys in the audience and had to come say hi.. How have you guys been?"

"Us? Don't worry about us." Jackie gave me an unexpected hug. "We've missed you." Before saying anything (f/n) pulled me into another hug.

"I'm really sorry. I was being selfish." She whispered to me. Tears suddenly started to fall.

"I missed you guys too." I wiped away the tears from under the glasses. "I don't know why I've been so emotional lately." They laughed.

The fans started to scream once again which was my signal that the boys were leaving.

"I should go. Text me okay." I waved them goodbye and started to shove myself into the crowd of girls. In order to get through the thick layer of girls I had to push hard.

"Hey! Watch it." The sound of Allie's voice came from behind me after I accidently pushed her too hard.

Once I made it to the front of the crowd I saw that Taehyung had stopped to scan the crowd for me. His smile grew when I finally joined him.

"You look better in those glasses than Jimin does." He kissed my nose.


"I just really want ice cream."

"(Y/n). You can't just have ice cream for dinner." Jin mothered me.

"We should just go to a korean BBQ." Jungkook suggested. The rest of the boys agreed with the idea.

"Will there be ice cream there?" Jin turned to me with fire in his eyes. I sank back into the couch, wanting to disappear because of his gaze. My need for the creamy treat took over the fear, "I just feel like if I don't get ice cream I might die."

"We can get you some after we eat." Yoongi said, obviously over the argument at hand.

With unnecessary force they pushed me towards the car. They went over tomorrow's schedule during the quick drive to the chosen restaurant.

Tomorrow was our last day in California and the entire day was booked with back to back interviews.

To our luck the restaurant was relatively empty except for an elderly couple. We got to eat our meal in peace.

By 'peace' I mean very loud banter and noises coming from the boys. How can they have a whole day of performing and travel and still have enough energy to scream during dinner. They basically worshipped the waiter when he brought out the food.

Like Yoongi had promised we stopped on the way to the hotel to get my ice cream. I sat in the car contently eating my large cup of cookies and cream ice cream until passing out on Taehyung's lap.

A/N: Sorry for the shortish chapter it's mainly for plot build up ;). ALSO this book is close to  10k and the fact I ever got 1k is amazing I love you all. <3 -M

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