Chapter 29

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I've been back a week and my friends can still barely look at me. Never in a million years would I have thought (F/n) would do this to me. I guess people change once you starting dating an idol.

In the last week I had met 2 new people, both new students.

Misha; a blonde farm girl that is a bit odd when you first meet her but is actually super nice when you get to know her. She is super smart and wants to me a vet when she's older.

Mason; an extreme flamboyant gay guy. He seems to be a million feet tall and spends all of his free time watching glee.

Even in such a short time together we've become close. We tell each other everything. But I've avoided telling them about Taehyung. Neither of them were into Kpop but I'm sure they'd find out soon enough.

My parents came home a few days ago with dark tans. They were happy to see me but we barely talk. It feels like they're my friends parents, not mine.

"Earth to (Y/n)!" Mason clapped his hands in front of my face.

"Sorry I must have spaced out."

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Misha spoke. Mason and I both took a second to speak.

"Oh! We could go to that new Korean BBQ place and then head to my place to walk drag race." Mason spoke before me. The idea of a Korean bbq sounded amazing, I miss all the good food back in Seoul.

We all agreed and then continued to eat our lunch while making small talk.

"Hey (y/n)?" Someone said shyly. I turned to see two freshman standing next to me.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked politely.

"We were wondering when we get the autographs you promised everyone."

"Oh yeah! I almost completely forgot. I only have enough to give you one so who's do you want." I began digging in my bag for a notebook. I forced them all to fill it out with their autographs while we were in Hawaii. As I made my way through the crumpled paper and in finished homework I could feel my phone buzzing none stop in my pocket but I chose to ignore it.

"I'll take Jungkook."

"Jin for me!" They said with smiles. I quickly tore them out and handed it to them.

I turned back to my friends as the girls walked away. Their faces looked confused and slightly scared.

"My- my boyfriend is in a popular band." Their eyes lit up.

"You have a boyfriend!" Mason scared in delight.

"Why's his name?"

"What band is he in?"

"How did you meet?"

"Can we meet him?"

They spat out question after question. Meanwhile my phone continued to buzz. I held up my finger to silence them and pulled out my phone.


Snapchat (2): Taebae

Messages (5): Taebae

"Speak of the devil." I spoke. The two of them jumped with excitement when they heard I was talking to him. What is he doing up so late, it's 3 am there.

First I went to Snapchat.

First I went to Snapchat

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