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5 years later

"Bora! Bora, where are you? We have to go!" He walked through the labyrinth of hallways before crossing into the living room.

"Boo!" The small girl jumped out at him, "I scared you good didn't I Uncle Yoongi?" Her words were mixed with laughter.

"You sure did, now hurry up! We have to go, do you want to see your dad or not!" He rustled her hair before she ran off towards the door. She's been very persistent on her need for independence so he watches from afar as she puts on her fluffy coat and then attempts to bend down and tie her shoes. Grunting in frustration from not being able to reach her shoes she swung her hands up to the man.
"Uncle, will you tie my shoes for me?"

Laughing he walked over to her and knelt at her feet. Slowly he demonstrated the bunny ear method once more to her, even though she knows how to do it. Once the shoes were secured to her feet she trotted in front of him and pulled open the door and bolted to the elevators down the long hall. She has really enjoyed living in his penthouse apartment for the past few years. Being able to have her other uncles come and sit by the fireplace on the balcony at night, it had the perfect view of the city. On the other hand she loved to go to Hoseok's house to play in his pool, or to Jin's house to roll around on his waterbed. She might have lost family but she's definitely not low on uncles.

She climbed into the back seat and strapped herself into her small car seat. Giving her uncle a big thumbs up he started the car and began the drive.
A lot has changed over the past few years. BTS ran for a few more years until Jin had to do his military service. They all moved into our own places, which happens to all be no more than 5 minute drives to each other. They all continue to make music together and separately but they were no longer the group they used to be.. But they were still happy.

On the left hand side of the road the cemetery came into view, one he  was all too familiar with. Looking up at the rearview mirror he watched as the small child stared out the window at the snow covered field. She waved slightly and he heard the slight whisper 'hi mommy' come from her. Pushing his feelings down and turned left.
He held onto her hand tightly as they made their way to their destination, careful not to get lost. There were others looking for their loved ones, assuming they were there for the same reason as the two of them. Despite the snow falling outside Bora had taken her jacket off and dragged it slightly on the ground as they walked.

"Right here." He stopped. As other people walked by Bora began to latch onto his leg more and more from the strangers making her nervous.

They sat there for a few minutes together, in silence, still holding each other's hands. He wasn't sure if she fully understood what they were doing there.
Suddenly they looked up from the ground to be met with Taehyungs face coming down the escalators, mixed into the group of other returned military members. His face lighting up at the sight of his daughter.

"Bora!" She snapped her head over to him.
"Daddy! Daddy!" She chanted and began to jump in place, her pigtails bouncing along with her.

Taehyung began to shove his way through the crowd, his dark green uniforms and shaved head matching in with the others.

Finally on ground level he threw his duffle to the ground and scooped up his daughter.

"I'm home princess, I won't leave you ever again. We can go home." He held back his emotions not wanting to cry in the busy airport.

"You'll be here forever now?"

"Yeah baby, forever."

A/N- That's it. The first story I have ever finished and I'm so grateful to know you all enjoyed something I created. I will be going though sometimes to edit it so if you see any updates it probably just that. Not to worry I will be continuing my Jimin x Reader so I hope you all follow that story as well. Thank you so much, love you. 💜 -M

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