Chapter 34

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Mason POV

Around a month ago, when the press conference was held, was when (y/n) started acting different. She doesn't talk much, or eat. She's lost a lot of weight. When her bodyguards left it got worse. It doesn't seem like she's sleeping at all. We have no idea why.

She used to get excited about the little things. Like movie nights, seeing a fluffy dog, and going out to eat. Now she's quiet.

We know she's started to self harm again but when we bring it up she gets mad at us. It's hard to help a person that is so fragile.

She says it's because she misses Taehyung and that she misses her home in Korea. Misha and I both wish we could help.

Last week she found out that Yoongi would be coming to California to feature on an album of some rapper. Everyday the excitement in her grows, it's almost like she's becoming herself again. I really hope that's the case.

(y/n) POV

Smiling wasn't a sensation I was used to anymore. But the thought of seeing Yoongi and being held in his arms later today caused me to overflow with joy. I couldn't help but let out random little giggles every time I checked the clock to see what time it was. Only 30 more minutes until I can leave school and race to the airport.

The bell rang signalling lunch time. With the little energy I had left I launched out of my chair towards the parking lot. I'm completely against speeding but going a little bit over the speed limit isn't going to hurt anyone.

I was 5 minutes away when I got the text.

New Message (1): Sugacane

Sugacane: Just landed.

I sped into parking spot and sprinted to the gates. There was a long stretch of hallway leading to the arrival gates that was blocked by security guards. I had to wait for him there.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, almost like a little kid when they need to pee. I received strange looks from people passing by but I didn't care. Any minute from now I would be in the arms of Min Yoongi, my family.

He's only going to be here for a few day, most of which will be spent in the studio but he said he has put aside some time for me.

Suddenly a large group of familiar people began turning the corner. They each carried a bag probably full of Yoongi's wardrobe and makeup. There were also some bodyguards and one of the managers that I recognized right away. When Suga turned the corner his eyes unhooked from his phone and looked around the hall before locking eyes with me.

I broke into a sprint past the security guards that tried to stop me. He dropped his bag and opened his arms readying himself for the impact. After a split second our arms were around each other, he picked me up and spun me around in the air. I clung to him with all my strength.

Once he finally pulled away he took a quick look at me. He tried to hide the worried expression in his eyes but it didn't work.

"You've lost weight." He said almost in shock. "Like.. A lot of weight. Are you okay?" His voiced started to get quieter.

"I'm fine." I fiddled with the sleeves of my sweater not wanting to make eye contact. My action only made him worry more but he changed the subject quickly by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me along with the group.


A smile had been plastered on my face the entire time I was with him. I was sitting across from him in the ice cream parlor. He was enjoying his coffee ice cream while mine sat untouched.

"Are you going to eat that?" He asked.

"Oh uhm.. Yeah." I picked up the plastic spoon and lightly scooped and stabbed at the ice cream, never bringing it near to my mouth.

The two of us made small talk about life. He updated me on all the drama in the dorm and what they were currently working on. I told him about my new friends and how physics still makes no sense.

By the time Yoongi finished his dessert mine had been mashed down enough to look like I had eaten some of it. I snaked my arm around his while we walked out of the store and almost immediately ran into someone.

My heart froze as I stared up at the large man and his friends.

"Crazy running into you here, (y/n)." Travis smirked. My grip around Suga tightened, I couldn't talk. The entire football team was there. The way they looked at me told me they knew, they knew what Alex had done just because he was kicked off the team.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi spoke in broken english. "We must be going." He spoke for me and pulled me away from them. He wrapped his arm around my small frame and pulled me in closer to keep me from the view of their eyes.

We were a block from the hotel he was staying at. His arm was glued to my shoulder and he didn't speak. I was too scared to look at his face, I knew he was mad.

Finally arriving in the room he threw off his hat and ran his fingers through his dark hair.

"(y/n) tell me the truth. What happened." He paced around the room.

"Nothing happend-"

"Bullshit." He gripped my shoulders and looked at me right in the eyes. "You're like a ghost. Look at you, you're wasting away in front of me." His eyes slowly filled with water, not enough to send tears down his cheeks but enough to spring a reaction in me.

I hadn't cried since the night it happened. I usually just sit in silence. But in that moment, one of the strongest people I know crying in front of me sent me into a spiral of tears. Words started to spill out of me without a filter. I told him everything that had happened, everything I was feeling, and how I didn't want to cause another scandal so I haven't told anyone.

He just sat there. The tears finally over flowing. Lightly he grabbed my head and placed it against his chest and softly kissed the top of my head as I cried into his black shirt.

Yoongi POV

I've been conflicted about whether to tell someone about what happened to (y/n). Alex needs to be brought to justice but it was hard to go against the wishes of a girl that pleaded for you not to tell anyone. Especially her boyfriend.

After what I learned I decided she would be staying with me for the rest of my trip. She was laying peacefully in the bed. She was wearing was some of my pyjamas, they seemed to fit perfectly despite her smaller frame . This was the first good night sleep she had in a while.

Quietly I slipped into the spot next to her. I pulled the covers up to cover more of her body. Her hands were up by her face and I couldn't help but notice the raw skin on her wrists.

My heart grew heavy. As I layed down I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled closer to me. I held her like if I did she's completely disappear.

She was so small, weak, and tired. I have to do what ever it take to take care of her.

A/N: If you guys couldn't tell Min Yoongi is my bias wreck. Damn what a babe. Thank you all for wishing me luck! My audition went great. -M

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