Chapter 31

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"(Y/n), we need to take you to the hotel." A low voice woke me. As I opened my heavy eyes I saw Kang and Ryu impatiently standing over me.

"Too early.." I pressed my face into my pillow. With a sigh Kang pulled me out of my bed and dragged me downstairs. He helped me put on a hoodie before placing sunglasses and a mask on my face.

They stood on both sides of me as we walked outside. There were still a surprising amount of people outside my house since yesterday. As soon as we got into the car I fell asleep.


My obnoxious alarm went off. I sleepily struggled to turn off but ended up successful. I looked around at my surroundings.

I was in an expensive looking hotel room.

Finally out of bed I was able to explore the room more. My school supplies was laid out on the desk and the closet was full of clothes from my closet back in Korea. Which basically means expensive stuff I shouldn't be wearing to public school.

After showering and getting dressed Ryu walked into the room with an apple and sack lunch.

"We have to leave now if you don't want to be late to school." He held out his hands and I happily took the apple.

The public must not have found out what hotel I was staying at since the front of the building was completely deserted.

I honestly can't believe I still have to go to school during the days leading up to the interview. Should I be out of the public eye? It's school, any of the hundred kids there could film me at any time.

When we pulled up to my school the lawn was full of reporters, to be expected. I hate that I'm getting back into the routine of keeping my head low whenever I walk outside. The reporters ran up to me and asked tos of questions.

"Are you rumors true?"

"Do the members know?"

"Is BigHit forcing you to stay with him?"

I can't wait for this press conference so I can tell them the truth.

As soon as my feet touched the school hallway I walked straight to class. I didn't wait for Kang and Ryu but I knew they were right behind me. My legs seemed to be fast when I blocked out everyone's whispers.

Racing around the corner I slammed into someone causing I both to drop our binders, papers flew everywhere.

"Shit I'm sorry." I spat out while looking at the mess.

"It's fine." (F/n) said as we both lowered to the ground to collect our things. I have her an almost hopeful smile, like this moment would be the new beginning of our friendship. "I heard about the rumors. I know he wouldn't do that to you." Her eyes were glued to what she was doing. I wish she would look at me. I should have said something. She got up quickly and strutted off, not looking back.

The sound of laughter brought me back. Alex and he crew passed by me kicking up my papers. I must look pathetic, kneeling in the middle of the hallways watching as my ex-best friend walked away.

I stood up and brushed off my overly priced pants. Kang and Ryu has already finished collecting the stray papers. One of them placed their hand on my back signaling me to keep walking.

Class was painful. Nobody paid attention to the lesson, all eyes were on me. Every once in a while someone I'd never talked to before would pass me a note asking if it was true. I wouldn't have answered them even if I was allowed to.

The door to the class opened and everyone looked back as Kang motioned towards me to take the phone.

"Sorry." I said to the teacher before getting up and exiting to the room. He held the phone out towards me, the screen was dark so I couldn't see the caller ID. "Hello?"

"How's your day going?" Taehyung answered from the other side of the phone. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Good, you just got me out of history. Everyone won't stop staring at me." I couldn't help but smile when talking to him.

"Everything will be cleared up soon. Are you wearing the close I sent down?"

"Yes," I looked down at my clothes. "It actually makes me feel like I'm back in Seoul." We both fell quiet, I could hear the muffled barks of Yeontan in the background but neither of us had acknowledged it.

It's been so long since I've been to Korea. I miss the sights, the smells, just everything about it. With spring coming up I'm sure the trees have started to blossom. Taehyung wanted to take me to Japan to see the cherry blossoms but I didn't have another break till summer. I'd give anything to sit across from him on the same living room coffee table, the windows fully open to show the city scape, eating tteokbokki with him.

"We miss you." He spoke softly.

"I miss you guys too." I've been longing for the day I get one of Hoseok's hugs or sitting ridiculously close to Yoongi as he slaves over his computer. They made me feel so comfortable. California was still familiar to me. I had grown up riding by bike by the peers and running my hands down the rough surface of the palm trees. But it was no longer my home, no longer where I belong. "Shouldn't you be in bed? It's late."

"Don't worry about me, I just want to talk to you for a while." I smiled at his response.

We ended up talking for the rest of history and all through my next class. When we talk we always end up getting lost in conversation. The two of us were very alike and we always had something to talk about. Let it be a book or something in the news we'd always tell each other our honest opinions about which usually ended up to be the same.

"Love you."

"I love you more." He hung up. After spending most of my day on the phone, avoiding class, I we finally parted ways.

Talking to him made me feel better, I almost forgot about the whispering I past in the halls on the way to the lunch room.

As I approached my usual table Misha and Mason were already sitting. They both looked up with wide eyes as I was followed by two large Korean men. Mason's eyes were glued to them, Misha was looking at my clothes.

"Wow, looking good." Misha catcalled.

"Shut up."

A/N: This chapter took me forever to write... Isn't writers block fun? In other news this book has hit 2K! that's crazy! We just got 1K like 2 weeks ago. Thank you all so so much for reading. Please continue to vote and comment (I love your comments). -M

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