The Beach Trip - Part Two

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A/n Hey Guys sorry I haven't been updating but what I have done is written like half of this fanfic but on a paper pad so now I have to type it all up onto wattpad... So yea comment if you do this too, if you do it's soooo annoying isn't it!!!??? Well at least I think that it's annoying. Sorry I'm ranting, Here's the Next Chapter. :)
Don't forget to comment and vote !!!!!!

Disclaimer: i don't own any of the PJO or HOO Characters Uncle Rick does!!!!


Nico's POV:

When we finally arrived at the beach I swear on the River Styx that Percy was already in the water within 30 seconds. *sigh*
He started to play with some other kids there and sometimes I really think that even through he is 19 and I'm 17 ( A/N just pretend that is there ages)
that we are still 2 year olds inside. He started to go further off to sea and I didn't want him to get lost, and yes I know that he is a son of Poseidon.

"Percy stay where I can see you!!"

A woman who looked like she was about in her mid-Thirties walked past me with her kids and said to me;

"Aw your son looks cute where is his mother is she getting you all some ice cream? He looks like he belongs at sea on how much he is enjoying himself huh?"


I cleared my throat.

"I have a few things to say to you missy,
1- Percy is not my son
2- do I really look that old to have a 19 year old son
3- I am gay
And 4- Percy is my boyfriend."

The woman was wide eyed and her mouth was gaping open.

"Ummm, I have to go..." And with that she walked off dragging her kids.

Percy came out of the sea looking as fit as ever, probably wanting to get me into the water.

"Babe are you ok?" He said with a concerned voice.

" Percy I'm trying to be calm but a woman just walked past and called you my son." I took a deep breath and looked up at percy who was stifling a laugh.
Then he couldn't hold it in anymore and burst into a laughing fit

"LOL" he threw his head back laughing like a madman.

I was getting frustrated and "accidentally" push him into the hole that I had been digging moments before.

I then threw my head back and shouted as loud as I could "LOL!!"

"Hahahahaha (!) now help me out of this hole before I pull you in here with me."

~ Time skip cuz I'm laziiii ~

When we finally got back to our apartment to find Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank and Thalia slumped at the front of our door.

" Hey Guys, what are you all doing he... Oh yeah." WE FORGOT ANNIE'S BIRTHDAY!!

I felt so bad, I looked down feeling really guilty. I let go of Percy's hand and opened the door to let every one in.

" Let's play Truth or Dare" Thalia piped in trying to cut the tension.

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