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Hey sorry for a short chap but I have a quite a bit of inspiration today so I might post another chap tonight with a shoutout so it'd you want one then please comment!!

Just a warning this has Feels and another clue Piercetheveilalways *wink*

Percy's POV

I heard a thump and stop giggling. My eyebrows furrowed as I walked into the living room. I looked out the window to the street below and all I saw was blonde haired person running with something black in their arms, Wait it was a person and not just any person. Nico

As soon as I figured out who was the little black thing I pulled my head out the window and sprinted down the stairs. But I was too late, I searched until the sun came up but no luck.

In misery I walked back up to the apartment to see if the kidnapper left anything, I Found another note.


Well I have nothing to say but serves you right.

I have taken him to Camp Half blood and have evacuated the place.

Your and your "friends" Shall be put through a series of challenges and a maze.

You will have 2 challenges each, you and The three other people are the only ones who shall know of this, if you inform anyone else I will not hesitate to kill you beloved Nico, you have until Noon in one week to come to CHB or He will die.


I had to hold onto a chair halfway through the note to stop me from falling because my legs gave out.

No I can't be weak I have to be strong. For Nico.

There was something familiar about the handwriting and it was the same feeling from last time, it was really bugging me. Straight Away I dialed the numbers or Piper, Leo and Jason into my phone to tell them to get their asses down here.

~Time skip to them getting there and Percy Explaining everything ~

Piper was almost in tears, Leo looked unbelievably Shocked and Jason looked like he was ready to kill someone.

"So what your saying is that if we don't do this my best friend is going to die?" Jason asked

I nodded my head with tears running down my face.

Leo stood up.

"Are we all going to participate?!"

We all nodded yes and I stood up wiping away my tears

"Right we are going to get everything we might need for these challenges and if anyone of us fails them then I will go to Elysium and drag you back to Earth myself!"

They all looked shock as I have never threatened any of them to this extent.

"Whatever happens I am not leaving there without my little bro" Jason said standing up

"Me neither!!" Both Piper and Leo said

I looked down

"I don't care if I have to go to tarturus and back but I swear on the River Styx I am going to get my Nico Back!!"

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