The Kidnapping - Part 1

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A/N hey guys I wanted to dedicate this chapter to IggyScones cause she has been really nice and you have to read her UsUk Fanfic it's epic. It's gunna be short but im either gunna;

Post short chapters and often


Long one but only twice a week

Tell me which in the comments!!

Disclaimer: I don't ow PJO OR HOO!!!

Warning: Offensive language, don't like don't read.

I don't mean any of it it's just I had to put it in the story cause it was needed, I'm Bi myself so it would be Offensive to me too.


Nico's POV:

I was sat on the sofa, really comfy when I heard a knock at the door. I groan and open it.


Next thing I know I am gagged and blindfolded, this couldn't get any worse. That's when they hit me on the head effectively knocking me out. Huh I was wrong.

Percy's POV:

"Honey I'm ho..." I looked around, Nico was no where to be seen.

I checked every where, the living room, the bed room, the bathroom, the last place I had to look was the kitchen, hopefully he would be there. Nope he wasn't there, maybe he had gone out? I saw a not on the kitchen table.

~ Percy ~

Hello Percy, I'd you are wondering where Nico is, well you
Fag he is with us. Me and my friend have sat by and watched
you two queers be together for too long. We have kidnapped
him and unless you are willing to break up with him,never
see him again and break his heart we will kill him and all you
Fag friends.

You have until midnight on Friday to do this.

Nico will be at the hospital room 39A, He has a few injuries such as
Broken ribs, cuts but that's just the beginning, the sooner you break
The less hurt we will bring to him. If you don't we will track you and
kill you both.

Don't disappoint us.

~ Anonymous ~

I quickly sped down to Nico hoping that he would be okay I'm not going to let anybody hurt him. EVER.

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