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As you all know, this fic has not been updated in a number of months. Here is the most official news I can give: it has been dropped. It is probably never going to be updated again. I did at one point have plans for a few more chapters just to wrap it up, but as of this moment that is an impossibility.

I'm very sorry to all of you who have enjoyed this fic and want it to continue. As much as I would love to give you the content, I have No ideas of any kind.

I have no motivation to write at this point. I've drifted from Wattpad Altogether and I don't feel any of the passion that I used to have when I sat down to crank out a chapter. I don't want Shocks and Surprises to become like so many other stories that were continued for the sake of being continued. I would rather have it end here, with everyone enjoying what does exist, than continue it until the quality is so bad that nobody cares anymore.

I recognize that many of you will probably be angry with the late notice. You have every right to be upset, especially after being dedicated for so long, but I would prefer that I didn't receive any death threats for the discontinuation of the story.

I hope that everyone continues to enjoy what's there. I hope that you are understanding with me and my reasons to discontinue it. It's possible that one day I may decide to pick up writing again, when inspiration strikes and I have the time. I will not be going back on here anytime soon though and will not be using this account. If you wish to edit or carry on with any of my stories, feel free to ask and I shall give you the power to do what you wish with the story. I wish all of you the best

-Alice Kirkland Logging Out

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