Chapter 84- Final Chapter

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“Bye Caitlin...” Louis stood in the doorway of our old house in London fixing the collar on his shirt.
“Why are you going?” I asked laughing walking up to him.
“I just need to.” He smiled.
“Okay, well where are you going?” I sipped my tea walking closer to him as he became blurrier.
“Don’t worry; I’ll be there... forever... I promise” He called after me.
“That’s not what I said” I scrunched up my face. He blew a kiss to me as I ran to him but as soon as I got to the doorway he faded away.
“LOUIS?” I called “LOUIS!?”


I woke up as I looked to my clock 9:30am. I got down stairs and made some fruit toast. I sat in the kitchen watching the news.

“The birth of Jackson Smith’s child was confirmed to be a baby girl who was born at 6:42 this morning. There has been a sad death of a teenage superstar...”

“No” I turned off the TV and got to the front of my garden as quick as I could. I picked some pretty purple flowers and walked as quickly as I could over to Harry’s grave.

“Good morning” I smiled at the stone replacing the blue flowers I lay yesterday with the purple flowers.

“Harry Styles 1994- 2082
1/5th One Direction
“I’ve always wanted to be one of those people that didn’t care that much about what people thought of them, but I just don’t think I am”
<3 <3 R.I.P <3 <3

I said.

I walked slowly back to the house after blowing a kiss at the stone. “Oh Harry how I miss you” I sobbed a bit.

“Morning Mrs Styles” Josh called.
“Good morning Josh” I smiled to him.
“Hey If you need anything, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to knock on the door and ask” He politely gestured to his house.
“Thank you Josh” I praised him.
“I’m sorry for your loss” He called out.
“Hmmm, it was years ago Josh” I said to myself laughing. The man’s 50, he’s starting to lose it a bit.

When I got home I sat on the porch and made myself a tea. I sat in my seat and put my rings on the table. I stared at them and pulled out my diary reading what happened the day Harry died.

“January 5th 2082, to me that day was the worst day that I’ll remember. It’s hard loosing anyone in your life but loosing someone you’ve known since you were 12 changes you. Ever since we moved to Watsons Bay together, we went for strolls through the park at 10:00am. We then sat out near the cliff face and looked out to the water. We’d see Josh (the neighbour) on his morning jog as we walked home. When we got home I made a cup of tea for us both. Then we sat and just talked about the past. How amazing our lives were. This is something that I’ll have to do even though Harry’s not with me anymore.

This morning after our walk Harry took a panadol.
“Are you okay honey?” I rubbed his shoulders.
“Fine, just a little intergestion from breakfast” He smiled swallowing.
“Aw well you should have a sleep or something.” I encouraged him.
“No! You planned a day going to Bondi for lunch. I’m not cancelling the plans because I ate my breakfast too quickly.” He laughed.
“Fine” I kissed his cheek.
“I’m going to get changed.” He smiled walking into the room.
“What are you going to wear?” I followed him as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“My good pants and my coat” He grabbed my legs and pulled me in.
“I’ll have to get your pants off the clothes line” I laughed as he hugged my legs.
“Hurry” He smiled wolf whistling as I walked out of the room.
“Stop it you” I laughed.
“Still hot” He winked.

I went outside to get his pants off the line. I unpegged them and walked back inside.
“They’re still a tad damp, would you like me to put them in the drye... Harry” I walked into the bedroom hoping it wasn’t what I saw. “HARRY!” He had collapsed half on the bed and half on the floor. “What happened?”
“Maybe it... wasn’t intergestion” He smiled.
“Wow, you’re pretty much dying and you’re still cracking jokes.” I laughed. He kept me calm in a time where I should have been panicking.  “I’m calling the ambulance” I pulled out the phone.

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