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when Lambo gets nightmares at night

Lambo often times wakes up in the dead middle of the night crying; crying with hushed sobs because he is a genius that can tolerate.

He often times get riddled with nightmares that would fade out after he cried for a while; snot dripping down his face but he fervently wipes them away.

Sometimes the nightmare isn't so intense, and he can quickly go back to sleep peacefully, in the comforts of being surrounded by Ipin and Bianchi and Fuuta.

Other times he'd get so scared that it's difficult to tolerate, extremely difficult. In those times he crawls out of bed and clings unto his 10year bazooka, the only thing left from his former famiglia. Because even though he doesn't want to ever admit, he misses his people and subordinates from the old days.

His clinginess would mostly lead to him accidentally letting his hand slip to the wrong places, and getting hit by the bazooka himself. (Sometimes he does it on purpose because somewhere deep down he wished it could let him see his former famiglia again for just a while)

His 10-year-later self would appear in a fume of pink smoke, surprised to be called back in the oddest time of 11:39pm, but he'd be understanding.

Without fail, 10-year-later Lambo would always walk down to the kitchen and pour himself a glass of strawberry milk from the huge carton found in the side of the fridge.

As he sits down with his glass, he often would look down at the milk, just staring at it for a long, long time, before he drinks it all down in a gulp, leaving just a single, thin layer of the drink.

To remember the old times that can't be brought back. The happy, happy times that would be thrown into chaos in a mere 10 years.

And he'd pray for younger Lambo's happiness. Though he doesn't necessarily believe in God, he prays so still. Until his five minutes is up and the two Lambos switch back places.

In the morning after the switching, there would always be just a bit of strawberry milk left. To the Tsuna who had chanced upon the 10-year-later Lambo before in the kitchen, he'd always think of it as a remembrance to the older bovino who in the end is still just a little brother.

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