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Xanxus's view on life growing up

Xanxus had always favored strength over everything; strength to stand above the weak, strength that never loses against anyone, strength that overpowers all that stands his way.

He had also always hated trash, trash that grovels at the ground, trash that can only make excuses for their weakness, trash that always find others to make up for their pathetic selves.

He needed to be strong and he will not, cannot become like trash.

Because trash is like his mother, so drunk in her pathetic delusions that she thought he was the love child of an affair between her and the Vongola 9th boss.

Because trash is like the worthless mafioso that clung unto the young him when they all thought how easy of a prey this new Vongola heir would be. (They couldn't be more wrong.)

Because trash is like him, shivering all day, huddling himself in wretched dirty clothes, stealing food to survive, with no strength to change his own situation for the better; his despicable past self.

And so, with his deplorable temper, he seeks for strength, for power, that nobody could deny him of.

He would stand above all these trash, and above his weak past.


He actually admires the 9th boss of the Vongola Famiglia very, very much; he actually has deep, immense respect for the old man.

Though he would never actually admit it publicly, he actually really does.

He trusts him with his entire being, and wishes to quickly rise to his level.

Though temperamental and rebellious, for the most part, he thought that he was a good child to the old man.

That's why he felt deeply betrayed when he found out he can never be his true heir.

That he's denied of the strength he's been chasing for.

He wants to be a good parent?

What lies.

He lied to me from the start.

What kind of 'good' parent is that?

The old man knows. He knows that being the Vongola heir was the one and only thing he had ever vehemently sought for.

Even if he throws a tantrum about the meal being served, or about the guests he'd been ask to entertain, all those are just tantrums.

But not this one.

And even worse still, he picks this feeble-looking Japanese boy to be the heir.

This weak, timid looking trash.

He couldn't be more insulted.

And so he rages; he stages a revolt and goes on a rampage, destroying, trashing at everything to do with the old man.

And he sure as hell isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants.

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