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Reborn's outlook towards his student

From a hitman's perspective, Reborn thinks that Tsuna is naive - innocently naive, plainly naive, foolishly naive

Sitting inside the mess of the brunette's bedroom, he would often see his face tense up, brows furrowed together in apprehension.

He would him fiddling with his thumbs, thoughts lost somewhere far.

(This was usually Reborn's favourite moment to kick his Dame student on the head)

Reborn would always ask what's swirling in that Dame mind of his everytime, and he would always look back at him nervously, starkly contrasting Reborn's own straight face

He'd ask how so and so are doing, if they're alright, if they're safe; as if they hadn't tried killing him before

Sometimes Reborn plainly wonders if his student just doesn't realize he almost died, almost killed, or if he really was that foolish

Because in Reborn's world of hunt or be hunted, there's no such thing as worrying for the enemy, no such thing as caring for the foe

It's just simply hunt or be hunted

But Reborn supposes that is what makes Tsuna, Tsuna - foolish, naive, ignorant

Foolish, but also kind - sincerely, innocently kind

And Reborn hopes that that kindness of his is what stops the mafia from sinking lower than it already is,

because the truth is, the pools and oceans of blood spilled in this world is something he doesn't necessarily wish for his Dame student to live with

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