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How Tsuna felt during the Thunder Guardian Battle

The first time Tsuna realized how serious this whole mafia business was, it was already too late. Though he had always whined and complained how he never wanted any part in it, which was still true to this day, he had never imagine it would lead anything too grave.

"Reborn would take care of it somehow."

Or so he thought, until he saw Lambo lying on the ground, surrounded by the myriads of cables.

It was the first time he realized that some things can go wrong, horribly horribly wrong, in this mafia business. And a cold chill went up his spine when this realization hit him.

His mind went blank; completely, utterly blank. He wasn't sure what to feel first. Anger - for letting such a young child suffer out like this? Sadness - for being such a useless older brother figure? Worry - for the poor Lambo who definitely is in need of help?

He wasn't sure, but an uncharacteristic calmness came over him in that moment. Not the kind of calmness Reborn had always been looking for, not the Boss-worthy kind of calmness that can quickly assert the situation and make respectable split-second decisions.

It was the kind of calmness associated with chaos, like the calm before the storm; the whirlwind of emotions that he cannot categorize at the moment.

With cold sweat dripping down his back, his heart thumping so so loudly it felt like it would leap out of his chest, and his mind still a muddled blank, his body reacted first, and he rushed out to save his younger brother.

The first time Tsuna realized how serious this whole mafia business was, it was already too late. But the first time he realized it was also when he promised himself to get stronger for his family.

Because seeing Maman cry when she saw Lambo's battered body was the worst thing ever, but it might not be the last if he didn't get stronger.

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