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"Everyone comes with scars,
But you can love them away.
I told you that i wasn't perfect,
You told me the same."


Jack's POV

I was sitting in the room, with a policeman. There was just a table between us.
It was scary, because he just stared at me for a long time, until he started to ask me some questions.

- So, Jack. Can you explain me why you decided to play dead without anyone knowing? He asked.

He obviously thinks that i'm stupid and psycho, because nobody does that often.
Should i tell him the truth?

- Tell the truth Grazer, he said like he had just read my mind.

I was scared, if my dad finds out that i'm here right now telling the real truth, he's gonna beat my ass totally up.

- We have some violence in our family, i started.

- You could've told us before you decided to play dead after the mysterious man shot you. You're lucky that you didn't die, he said with a serious tone.

- I know right, and i regret everything i have done, i said.

It was a lie.

- That man almost made my best friend kill himself, and almost killed me! Fuck!

I don't know what got me, but i went totally crazy just in seconds.
I started yelling, and i couldn't control it.
And now the policeman thinks that i'm even more psycho.

Well done, Jack.

- And you fucking lazyasses can't do an effort to find and arrest him!
I yelled to him even louder.

But he still didn't look surprised.

- I think that we're done now. We're gonna contact you for more Grazer, he said to me.

I ran out of the room, and the whole policestation.

I couldn't tell him that the same thing that happened last year will start again. That would've been pretty fucked up. I can't handle pressure, neither can Finn.

So i didn't tell him.

One week later...

- WAIT, WHAT? Finn looked shocked.

He thought that i was lying, even though i would never lie to him.

- They're gonna throw you to the mental hospital and give some stupid pills to you what messes your head up? I think the fuck not!
He yelled straight to my face.

- I'm sorry! I tried to calm him down.

- No, you don't have to be sorry. I can't believe that your own parents signed the papers, and at the same time lets you go there!

And neither did i. I know that i'm a little bit messy, but i'm not a freak or a psycho.

- Well, we can't do anything, i said.

Slowly, Finn started to cry. I pulled him closer to me, and wiped the tears from his reddish eyes.

- It's okay. Everything's gonna be fine, i whispered to his ear, and ran my fingers through his hair.

- I love you Jack.

- I love you too Finn Wolfhard.

A/N Not as long as i thought that it would be, but anyways. This is so bad already....

- Tara

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