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" You used to tell me that you loved me once.
What happened?
You say i'm crazy and there's nothing wrong,
You're lying, and you know i know. "

Jack's POV

- What we are?

I asked, and stared at him straight to his eyes.
They are pure, but not innocent...

- Two boys that are in love with each other, he answered like nothing was wrong.

He rested his hand on my shoulder, but i shook it off of it.
He knows the same that i know, and even more.

- Don't say that! I yelled to him, and took a few steps back.

There was an awkward, quiet moment for a couple ten seconds.

- I don't get it, he finally said quietly, almost whispering to me.

He started playing a victim, and innocent.
Yeah sure, everything's totally fine.

- Look... I know that something happened while i was in the hospital. Don't torture me anymore, Finn.

I needed to tell him what i was thinking.

He was acting differently with me lately.
Everything we do together is too "strange" to him.
But the truth is, that i don't know him anymore...
He isn't the same person i though he was.

- What the fuck is wrong with you?!

He yelled back to me.

I was even more sure that he is hiding something, because obviously he is.
I deserved to know...

- You know what? I'm done,
i said to him.

I collected together my most important stuff, and put them to my mini bag.
He didn't even make an effort to make me stay. He just let me go like that.

Maybe i don't mean anything to him.

- So you're literally just gonna let me go?

It sounded so, so stupid. Like i would care in some way about him and his stupid emotions...

- Yeah, sure. Whatever.
He said.

I was even more mad to him, and very upset about his acting.
Well, it's his loss, not mine.

- Fine.

I said, and walked out of his room. I slammed the doors as i walked out of the whole house.

- Stupid son of a bitch, i said and turned to watch back if he was staring at me from his room's window.
He wasn't.

I took my phone from my pocket, and decided to call Wyatt. I know he's always there for me.

" Wyatt: Hey, bro. What's up?

Jack: Wyatt, i need your help.

Wyatt: Yeah, sure. What it is??

Jack: So... I kind of kicked myself out of Finn's house.

Wyatt: I'm not sure if i want to know what happened.

Jack: Can i come over for a couple of days??

Wyatt: Oh yeah, sure!

Jack: OK, see ya soon! "

( Everybody's probably thinking what happened to Jack's own apartment from the beginning lmao but yeah he sold it :) )

As i reached Wyatt's apartment, i noticed that the door was left open. Wyatt usually never does that.

- Hey, bro! I took my shoes off, and looked around.

I didn't see him anywhere.

- Wyatt? Are you here? I shouted out.

I was confused. This isn't normal.

Then i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, so i took it out of there.
New text message from Wyatt.

" WyBro: Help me, Jack. He took me!!"

- Oh my god, i whispered.

I knew excatly what he meant and who he meant...

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