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"You can take this heart,
Heal it, or break it all apart.
No, this isn't fair.
Love me or leave me here"

Jack's POV

The next morning, i woke up because i needed to take my medicines again.
I don't remember a lot from last day, but i remember that it was awful.
My whole head feels so numb.

As the doctor gave me the pills, she sat down next to me onto my bed.

- Well, Jack. Is it so bad to be here? She suddenly asked.

- Yes, i almost whispered.

- I'm so lucky that i have Finn who saves me from this shitty place, i said to her and smiled.
She looked very confused.

- Who is Finn? She asked from me.

- My boyfriend, obviously.

I wasn't ashamed to say that. I'm so proud of him.

- Oh. And how is he going to save you? She treated me like i was a six-years old little boy.

- I saw him yesterday in my TV. He's coming to help me! I could've hugged her because i was so happy.

- Ummm.. Ok, sure. Anyways, you should come to breakfast. Then you're gonna meet your new therapist, she sounded like i would be here forever.

But i wont.

These guys in this place were really scary. To me, they were really messed up from their heads.
This isn't where i belong to.


After breakfast, my doctor walked me to the therapist.
He was something like 40 years old man. He was kind and nice to me.

- Hello Jack! How are you feeling today? He greeted me happily.

- I'm ok, i said tiredly to him and sat down to chair.

He sat to the other side of the table that was between us.

- I'm glad to meet you finally! My name is Cameron, and i'm gonna work with you for three months once in a week, he introduced himself to me.

I was with Cameron for an hour. He only asked me simple questions like: What do i miss in my normal life from the outside of the hospital? What about my family? My friends?

It was kind of relaxing to tell someone about my problems. He didn't make me angry or even disturbed. I actually enjoyed to be there. It felt like he understood me, and accepted me. He didn't even think that i'm a psycho like the others in here.
He didn't judge me.

Even though i feel high all the time because of the pills, it's not even that bad anymore to be here. Maybe they will understand that i'm not crazy and let me go. They can't keep me here forever.

I don't have any friends here, but it's cool. It's better to be alone sometimes, so that nobody can hurt or fool me.

I felt safe for the first time in my life. Safe from my mother and dad. They can't hurt me anymore, and that's a thing that i'm glad for...

I was laying in my bed, and closed my eyes. I needed to rest so badly, so i started dreaming.
I dreamed about my one and only, Finn. I wish the best for him, and i hope that he's happy...

Maybe he actually is.

A/N Oh my god this book is starting to be so freaking messed up, but i hope you enjoy :))))))

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