Chapter 8: A visit to Hell

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Its been almost a month since your collision with relationships. You haven't seen either of the two men since then, and you miss them both like crazy. You haven't been yourself since then. It's almost like after that day, a big chunk of you went with them both. You've checked everywhere for them, especially in the forest. There was only one place you hadn't: Hell. Crowley said he was the king, right? He must be down there. You think really hard of hell, though it doesn't take long before you feel the dramatic rise of temperature, due to you mastering what Crowley had taught you. You look around, seemingly finding it a lot different from what you imagined. You didn't see any lakes of fire, but when you look up you see webs, filled with people screaming. You walk around a bit and someone stops you.
"How'd you get in here! The gates of Hell stay locked at all times!" He practically screams in your face.
"I'm looking for Crowley." His face flushes and he shows fear. "You've heard of him, I presume?" You say this with confidence.
"You-You're the hybrid, aren't you?" He stutters and slurs his words. You nod and shortly flash a smile. Your eyes flash a different color, which has never happened before. They were a mixture of blue and black. His eyes change to a pitch black and he turns his head, representing for you to follow. You follow him in high hopes to find Crowley. He leads you to a large castle looking building. He leads you through the doors and straight to a room that seems to be the throne room. You look up at the man once he stops. "My king, you have company." The demon, you think anyway, looks at you and motions for you to walk up to "the king". You hear Crowley's voice.
"If it's those bloody vampires again, tell them-" His voice trails as be looks up from a group of papers to see you standing at his feet.
"Hey..." You mutter, and hold your breath as you bite your lip. Your arm is held at your side by your opposite hand. You look down at your shoes.
"Johnny, I would like to speak to our visitor in private." Johnny, the demon, looks at you then starts to speak, but is soon interrupted by Crowley.
"Go." His voice rises and gets louder. He glares at Johnny and the lower level demon disappears. Crowley looks over at you and his eyes soften. He disappears and reappears in front of you. You continue to look down and his hand grabs the side of your face. "How have you been, darling." His voice is softer than you've ever heard him speak, given the exception to the time he found you with Cas.
"I miss you!" You blurt out at him and he looks into your eyes, as they fill with tears. He brings you into a full, warm hug and you wrap your arms around him, bringing comfort and satisfaction. He pulls back and smiles at you. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry..." You cry into his shoulder as he brings you into another deep, meaningful hug.
"I miss you too, love." He wipes your tears and smiles at you. He kisses you, in a very soft, deep, significant, yet sincere way. He pulls back and wipes your lips, still holding your face in his hands. He kisses you on the cheek. "I'm kind of busy, darling. I apologize for the inconvenience. You should stay, dear. Stay with me. Just for a bit? Please?" You giggle. You wipe your tears and watch him beg. He pleads with you which makes you giggle more. He chuckles. "I'm glad to see you smile, love. How about you make yourself comfortable in the throne, while I go... Take care of some things." You nod and climb up the steps to his throne. You sit down and lean back, making yourself as comfortable as possible. He smiles at you then disappears. Johnny walks back into the room and eyes you, obviously getting the wrong idea. He bows down to you.
"My queen, what can I do for you," he says showing fear of what might've happened to Crowley.
"Oh no, I'm not..." You stutter and feel a loss of words. You hear a low growl next to you and look over to see a dog, alike to the ones in your dream, lying in a deep red dog bed. She looks at the demon, stands up, and prances towards him. You see a sign above the bed, on a wall, stating the hounds name. The sign reads, 'Terror. The baddest, sickest, most evil boy in all of hell.' You know that Crowley had this made with a sense of humor. The K-9 still making its way to the demon, and Johnny in full fear, you yell, "Terror, halt!" The dog stops and slightly whines, making its way back to its bed, hanging its head low, and tail between its legs. Another dog lay on the other side in another bed, the bed a replica to the other. Another sign hung on the same wall, only replacing Terror was Juliet, and replacing boy, was girl. Juliet started a low growl, so you stepped down from the throne and crouched down next to her. You loved animals, and these weren't much different, might I say much. You started petting her atop her head and down her back. She stops the purr of growl and rests her head on her paws. "Good girl." She lies down, and doses off. You sit back on the throne, while Crowley still away. Johnny stares at you, in a mixture of awe and shock, still paralyzed by the fact that you just saved him from literal Terror. Both of the dogs had lay to rest, and were in slumber. Terror even snored a bit. He was already your favorite. Johnny snaps back into reality and speaks.
"I have to go spread the word. We have a new ruler!" He smiles and jumps in joy.
"No, I'm not your..." You're interrupted by the thick, familiar accent of Crowley's.
"Not yet anyway... Johnny, can't you leave the woman alone?" Crowley asks and chuckles.
"My king... But... I thought..." Johnny's confusion rushes over him. Crowley responds.
"You thought wrong. Now, where are my two favorite hell hounds?" Terror and Juliet jump up to the sound of Crowley's voice almost immedietly on cue. They both walk over to him and Terror rubs against your leg. "He likes you, darling." You smile and squat down, and end up on the floor once Terror jumps on you and licks your face. You smile and laugh as Terror continues to kiss/lick you on the cheek. You pet him and he stands by your side.
"I guess so..." You say. You walk to Crowley and grab his hand. You kiss his hand. "I should go..." You smile and unhappily tell him. "We can talk sometime. Just let me know when."
"Alright, darling. I'll let you know when I have time. Also, you should visit more often. Terror seems to like the idea." He looks down at the hound, still standing at your side.
"I'll think about it," You say and giggle, patting Terror on the head. You kiss Crowley on the cheek and leave.

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