Chapter 22: Wings

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Castiel grabs your waist.
"Im being serious, y/n. What the hell did he do to you? If I figure out that he upset you... I swear... I'll kill him." He paces back and forth, trudging around with his hands on his head, running his fingers through his hair. They fall to his sides. He passes you and you grab his hand as he walks. He comes to a halt. Tears gather in his eyes. Your hand squeezes his and your other caresses his neck. He seemed pensive, lost in thought. Tears fall down his cheek. He looks at you.
"Nothing happened Cas... We just... Talked about a few things that were sort of... Just things I didmt want to talk about..." You hated lying to him. It stung you.
"I'm an angel, not an idiot... You're lying to me... Why would you lie to me? You know that you can tell me anything, right?" He places his hands on each of your shoulders and squeezes. You sigh.
"I promised him I wouldn't... I'm sorry Cas... I can't..." He looks down and lets go of your shoulders. He walks over to a tree and slumps down at its trunk. You walk over to him and sit down next to him.
"Can you at least tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad it was? How sensitive was the subject? Did he do something that made you uncomfortable? I just... I should have been there sooner..." His head lays low.
"Cas it wasn't your fault... You were busy, dont blame yourself... The scale? Probably a 4... Yeah I was uncomfortable, but we're still friends, we talked about it... It wasn't that much of a sensitive subject, just something I felt really uncomfortable with. But over all, Im fine, Cas." You place your hand on his back. It finds his way to the shoulder farthest from you. You lean your head on his opposite arm.
"I love you..." He mutters under his breath.
"I... I love you too, Cas." He turns and smiles at you, though his cheeks still glimmer due to the tears. He pulls you in and hugs you tight. All is still for a whole 5 minutes, until you hear rustling in the grass a couple feet away. You pull away and look to where the sound came from. There, you find Crowley.
"Hello there, darling. Feathers..." He shoots you a smile but nails daggers at Castiel. He walks over to you and you outstretch a hand. He takes it and you struggle to your feet. Your leg had fallen asleep. The numbness almost made you fall, but you were soon caught by Crowley. You caught balance and were finally standing, but wobbled from the now pins and needles feeling in your foot. "Are you alright, darling?" Crowley silently but worriedly asks.
"My foot's asleep... Im fine though." All of a sudden the pain and numbness goes away and you feel nothing but normal from your foot. You stand and still feel nothing wrong with your foot anymore. You look over to see Crowley with an eyebrow raised.
"Better?" He asks and places a hand on your lower back. You nod. His hand slides to your waist and you look down at Cas, still sitting on the ground. He looks up at you, his eyes still glistening. Crowley's fingers start wondering around your back, seeming to search for something, but never finding anything.
"What are you..." You pause when he hits two sensitive spots on your back apart from each other. Your shoulder blades tense, causing Crowley to move his hands to them, forcing them to relax. All of a sudden a large feeling of, almost wind, rushes over you, making you gasp.
Castiel gapes at you, well, something behind you. His mouth closes and clenches. You turn your head to see a pair of (your choice of color), outstretched wings. You gasp once more. Castiel stands up and walks over to them. Crowley was surprised, but not quite shocked.
"I... I figured since she was half angel she might have wings, but it was a very slim chance... I didn't think..." Crowley silences as Cas touches them. You flinch at the touch. Surprisingly, you felt their every move. It was like they were another limb, another pair of legs or arms, except... Wings.
"I have so many questions..." The forest goes quiet and Cas seemed to be almost... Petting them. He was placing his fingers everywhere among the feathers, combing through them like mangled hair.
"Maybe I could help you with them. The questions I mean." Castiel calmly stops petting your wings and says before soon continuing.
"Well... How do I..." He interrupts you but remains to fondle with your feathers.
"Use them? Move them? Put them away?" You nod. Crowley moves in front of you instead of his plays behind you, where the only entertainment was watching Cas play with your wings. He holds his hands behind him in an orderly fashion.
"Well... I should get going. Its not easy being royalty." Crowley  smirks and winks at you, causing you to giggle. He kisses you on the cheek. "You have my number if you need me, darling. And if you need anything, I can always make time to be available." You nod and smile at him and he vanishes. Cas remains to fiddle.
"I could teach you everything I know on wings and how to use them, if you'd like me to tomorrow, I'm free..." He stops fondling and walks in front of you. You nod and he smiles.
"At least tell me how to..." He goes behind you again and lifts the back of your shirt making you gasp again. He touches a spot lower from the one that had been touched earlier, causing the wings to contract. He walks back in front of you and, without a word, kisses you. He pulls away and stares into your eyes, seemingly as if to search for your deepest desires. But your main desirable moment with him? Laying in the field, his heart beating in your ear. Wings wrapped around you. Cas humming Carry On My Wayward Son. Best time you've ever had.
He sits down on the ground and takes your hand. You sit next to him. He waddles over to you on his knees and hugs you. You accept and wrap your arms into the soft embrace. You lean into him and he falls back and he wraps his arms around you. You gasp and giggle at the fall. A whoosh of wind flows over you only to see the soft wings you had seen before of his. You slip from consciousness and into slumber...

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