Chapter 19: ...don't you cry no more

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Crowley watches as you fold yourself into your knees, crying. He walks just over to you and rests his hand on your shoulder, squatting down next to you.
"Darling, if I'm not the one you want to be with... Just tell me..." You pull your head from your arms.
"N... No Crowley, its not... Its not like that..." You cry more, knowing that now, he thinks that you don't want to be with him.
"Then explain, darling. I have plenty of time..." He gives you a reassuring smile.
"I... I... I love you both, you know this... Its just, that I feel like I'm being pressured..."
"Pressured about what, darling?" He spoke softly trying to be gentle with you, knowing that at this moment your emotions were fragile.
"About choosing. About picking between you two. I don't want to do that... I just... It'll go badly either way... I mean, if I choose you, it'll hurt Cas. And if I choose him..." He interrupts your softly spoken voice.
"I'll be fine, y/n..." A tear falls down his cheek at the thought of you not being with him, especially through everything that has happened already. You unfold yourself, tuck your legs underneath you, and hug him. You both stay like this for what seems like an hour, though it lasts only around ten minutes. "I... I... I love you, darling..." He spoke softly as the tears rolled down his neck. He clenched his jaw. You had never seen Crowley this way, so innocent, yet practically begging. Tears raced down his cheek, and his eyes sparkle in the moonlight. He bit his bottom lip and kissed you. Softly at first, but it grew more passionate by the second. He held you tightly, almost as if in fear of letting go. He pulls back and cries more.
"Crowley, I still haven't chosen..." His sobs calm for a second, then he stops.
"Wha... What do you mean?" His crying halts, but tears still lay along his shoulders.
"I don't know what to do... Its like I'm lost in my own mind..." Tears fall down your cheeks and you bring your hands to your face. He hugs you once more and you fall into him. Every ounce of you just collapses, and it seems that he is the only thing keeping you from falling. Flapping noises are heard from beside you and Castiel appears.
"I don't understand... My calculations... They were... Wrong?" Castiel asks, concerned. You stand and walk over to him. You nod and more tears fall from your eyes. You help Crowley up from the floor, and he just stands there. He seems like he doesn't want to be weak in front of Cas, but he looks too weak to be strong at this moment.
"So wh... Who have you chosen then?" Cas looked more confused then looked down, lost in thought.
"I... I..." Crowley interrupts your stutters.
"She hasn't. She doesn't know who to chose." Crowley voice trailed in and out as he spoke.
"We need to find a way for her to make a decision..." Castiel spoke softly, almost a whisper.
"Like a pros and cons list? Is that what you're offering? This is love, Castiel! Not a choice between what liquor I should drink first!" Crowley snaps at Cas, all the while his voice cracking due to the crying.
"I know Crowley! What else do you expect us to do?!" Now they were both yelling at each other back and forth. You curled up again, found your way back against the wall, and covered your ears. Finally, it was really late and you have had enough of it. So you yelled.
"STOP! Both of you! Please just stop..." You started crying and they both silence. Crowley walks over to you and sits beside you. Soon enough Crowley does the same on the other side.
"I'm sorry, darling... I didn't mean to..." His words were soft, as was his hand on your knee. You were honestly tired, and their breathing was relaxing. You end up falling asleep right there in between them. And the tears stop rolling. Cas is humming again. The same song as before. Then, they switch. Crowley hums while Castiel softly sings to you.

"Carry on my wayward son.
For there'll be peace when you are done.
Lay your weary head to rest.
Don't you cry no more..."

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