Chapter 24: Just Another Angel.

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You blink once and you aren't in the forest anymore. You recognize the place very quickly. Heaven. Castiel takes you through a series of hallways. Some familiar, others that you haven't seen before. You walk through a door leading you too a wide room that's filled with only furniture and a bartending station, like a rich persons home. A tall, unfamiliar man pours himself a glass of liquor then turns around.
"Ah, Castiel. And this is?" He examines you head to toe but Castiel interrupts his eyes.
"This is Y/N. She's the hybrid we spoke about..." Castiel was trying not to offend you. He knew how you were about speaking about the whole 'breed'. You still weren't used to it.
"I have to say, she's much more beautiful than I imagined." The man remained to eye you constantly as you blushed. His English accent wasn't as thick as Crowley's, but still pretty thick. He walked up to you, causing you to get nervous, just meeting this man. He started to circle you and you look it his actions. His eyes move up and down with every step he takes. You look over to see Castiel's eyes twinge with anger and jealousy. The two things that you saw out of him most. Cas clears his throat causing the man to walk to him instead.
"She's spoken for Balthazar. You'll have to find another woman for you to toy with." You've never heard him speak like this. He's so protective. It was kind of intimidating. But not, at the same time. You watch Balthazar look up at Castiel's face and straighten his posture, placing his hand behind his back, the other holding his glass.
"I extremely doubt that she would ever be with such a low life as you." He scoffed at Castiel. You were angered, and by his deeply reddened face, so was Cas.
"Excuse me sir, but I'll have you know that..." You're interrupted by the accent again, and this time, he was mocking you.
"Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh. That's all I ever hear from woman these days. Sometimes you think you're in charge. Can't you take a hint and just shut up." Castiel was close to raging out on the man.
"Balthazar! Since when in hell have you been so sexist to your own kind even. You've insulted the both of us and we're leaving." He pauses and turns toward you. "Lets go." He grabs your hand and walks toward the door. You stop. Let go of his hand, and walk over to Balthazar, you think his name was. He watches you.
"Why?" You say in you're best calm but sassy voice.
"Why what?" Balthazar responds. "Why we came off in the wrong direction? Or why I don't seem like a gentleman?" He paused and his face wasn't the smirkish smile that he had before. "I'm sorry that I said all that I did. But I will get this one thing through you're head y/n. Castiel isn't the man you think he is. And he doesn't deserve someone like you. I apologize about seeming to be sexist. But women with him, they change. I was only trying to get you to realize that. I apologize to you about everything and hopefully, we'll meet again. But Castiel, I never want to see you again." You look into his eyes. They were cold, but still had softness. He'd been broken before. You saw it. You nod and turn to leave. Castiel's eyes welled up with tears. You grab his hand and walk out. He doesn't look at you at all. He doesn't like being weak. That's why he was so straightforward about everything all the time.
"Cas?" He remains to look down at his feet as he walks but wipes his eyes with his free hand.
"Yes?" He says, his voice sore.
"What was all that about...?" You didn't want to bother him but curiosity got the best of you.
"If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it..." He was quiet. Soon, the temperature raised a little, and the wind brush through your hair. You find yourself in the forest and Castiel looks at you.
"I have to go... run some errands." And with that he disappeared.

(We're going to pretend something happened between Cas and Balthazar. I was at a writer's block. Didn't know what else to do. Sorry. But let's just pretend and use our imaginations. We can do that, right?)

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