Chapter 23: Wing Lessons.

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You awaken to the sun brightly shining and stinging your eyes. You blink a few times, adjusting to the brightness. You find yourself still atop Castiel's body. He was still humming and fondling your hair. Though, this time, t'was a different song. You recognized it a bit, your brain only focusing on the sound. I Wanna Know What Love Is by Foreigner. That's what it was. You clench your jaw a bit and adjust yourself from the numbness and unconsciousness of sleep.
"You're awake..." He smiles at you as you sat up, got on your knees, kneeling over the top of his body. He follows you and sits up, leaning his weight on his hands behind him. You blush at the feel of just being around him. It was amazing, how his presence seemed to surround everything he was around. You rub your head and go through your hair with your fingers. His icy blue eyes watching and observing your every move. His hands come out from beneath you and caress your thighs, sending shivers through your spine. You grab his hands and squeeze tightly. He smiles at you brightly. You chuckle at the manner, for most of the time he didn't even seem near happy. But all of a sudden, he was the happiest man on earth. It was honestly incredible.
"Why do you look so happy?" You ask giggling. 
"I... It's new to me as well. The joy that overfills me when I think of you..." Your slight blush intensifies at the sound of his words. You can't even make eye contact, your nervous system hitting all parts of your body, making you shiver. He looks at you, questioning your hesitance, and gives you a concerned look. "Did I say something wrong?" You quickly forward your eyes to his.
"Of course not." You give his hands a second squeeze.
"Then what's bothering you?" You reach for the words on the edge of your mind but find only darkness, and no words to be found. You gasp for speech but nothing comes out of your mouth.
"I... uh... I don't really know..." His concerned face grows puzzled as if trying to search your expression for a hint of aknowledgement of what you're thinking at this very moment.
"Come on. We should teach you something about those wings of yours. If you're going to learn, you have to be taught, don't you?"
You blush and nod a bit. You climb completely over him to bring yourself balance. You stand up and he follows.
"Since you already have learned to teleport... I don't really fly much. So I don't know what else to teach you. Angels don't use their wings unless completely necessary. But I guess I could show you how to move them."
He moves behind you. You feel his warm hands touch your cold back and shock spreads through you from the touch. You gasp and jump. He begins to chuckle a little. "Natural vessel reaction. Or should I say human since you were made into one for most of your life?" He laughs but you don't, not completely understanding what was so funny. He gently presses a few areas on your back, attempting to make the wings unfold and reveal. You gasp at the flutter that frightens you. "Don't be alarmed." You calm to his words. He touches your wings softly and plays with your feathers. He softly talks to you as he does this, and starts to move your wings up and down. "So... You should feel some muscles in your back move when I do this. Take control of that feeling and now do it on your own." His hand slowly starts to move as your wings start to move as you tense and relax the muscles in your back. "You're a very quick learner. That's as much as we're gonna teach you today. Someone wants to meet you." A million thoughts race through your head as he comes forth from behind you and grabs your hand.
'Who could he be talking about?'

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