Chapter XXXVII

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When we arrived at the rehabilitation room I felt in a very pleasant atmosphere, inside there were 3 more therapists, which were Josh, Mathilde and Nathalie. Immediately they took me in their arms and put me on a mat, I felt nervous but among all they helped me to give me encouragement.
- Bill, you just have to trust yourself and believe that you are capable of achieving what you set out to do. We will put all our disposition to you, but everything is in your hands - said the 3 at the same time.
It was enough with that and inevitably I smiled, I feel too good that I can not describe everything in exact words. In the first stage I was with Mathilde, which consisted in massaging my legs a bit and then bending them slowly. The first few minutes hurt a lot and I did everything possible not to scream, but then everything was calmer until I felt a small sensation of discomfort. Then, they let me rest for 10 minutes and I went to the second stage, this time I was in Josh's company . Which helped me get into a "pool" with plastic balls, which was just a kind of game to relax. But the third stage, in which I played with Nathalie was the most feared by me. It was a kind of "catwalk" with 2 metal bars parallel to each side, which I had to affirm and try if I could take some steps. But when I tried the second I fell, at that moment I began to despair and cried with feelings of frustration and anger at the same time. Nathalie immediately helped me sit in the wheelchair, took both my hands and made me look her straight in the eye.
- Bill, listen to me carefully, you must know something very important. You should know that the beginning of this rehabilitation would not be easy, at first you will often feel frustration, anger and impotence. But I will tell you something from my own experience, many of the patients who received the same problem as you and who finally get rehabilitated, always come to the same conclusion: "I was so stubborn and exasperating at first, but then I understood that I had to trust in myself and that's the only way I could get ahead. " So that's why I have nothing left to say, cheer up! and lean on the people you love a lot.
- Thank you, thank you very much - I said and hugged Nathalie very excited.
(Narrates Tom)
When Bill and Sophie left, I immediately went to Kamilla and hugged her. I looked at her face and she looked a little distressed, so I whispered in her ear that she tried not to be bitter, we were both in this and together we would face all the situations and consequences. After we sat in the patio of our house and hugged her gently, I looked her in the eye.
- You are really beautiful, I adore you too much as a person and I love to be sharing these moments with you.
- I also say the same thing, I feel so good and relaxed by your side, that at times I manage to forget all the problems.
"I love you," I said to Kamilla, but his reaction was not what I expected.
His face paled and seemed a little scared, I asked him what was wrong.
- Tom, I do not want to make you feel bad, but it's too early for you to tell me something like that. You do nothing, you come and you approach me and you can not love me so soon.
- You're getting carried away by the dough and that's not the right thing to do. You should listen to your heart and leave prejudices aside. I looked for you because I want to be with you, do not leave me alone.
- Tom, I think you've misunderstood me, I never said that. I just ... "but I did not let her finish and I kissed her on the lips.
She parted a little, but then she looked at me and smiled, this time it was she who kissed me. And so between kiss and kiss we began to become more and more passionate. We both lay on the grass, she began to take my shirt and I his. With admiration and excitement we crossed the body of the other, touched his arms, caressed his belly and she gently massaged my back. At all times the guilt was never present, it seemed as if we had forgotten Bill and Sophie, but the truth is that it was not like that, we just decided not to become bitter. There was a moment when I finally heard "I love you" from his lips, I looked at her very happy and then I kissed her passionately.

(Narrates Bill)

After the brief talk with Nathalie, my first rehabilitation session had come to an end. They left me to the waiting room and there was Sophie, who did not hesitate to ask me how this first session had been. But before talking to me about any subject, we asked a guard for help to avoid having a chaotic exit from the center. Once calmer and once inside the car, we could start talking.
- What's up; How was the first session? Sophie asked.

- With intense telling I explain most things. At first I was a little nervous but then I managed to calm down. Although the most difficult part of all was the third stage, in which he had to try to take steps by a "catwalk" affirmed of 2 metal bars, each located on one side. I managed to be the nothingness of time stopped, the second I fell. But Nathalie gave me some good advice and I hope I can put it into practice.
- It's really intense everything you've told me. But you should always keep in mind that you can count on the support of those who feel great love and admiration for you. For my part I will not leave you Bill, you can always count on me.
- Thank you, you're an excellent friend - and gave me a hug in support.
Then he finally put the car in gear and we started on our way home. Upon arriving it seemed as if there was no one, there was no trace of Kamilla or Tom, the view was not one of the 2. Sophie went for a drink to the kitchen and I stayed in the living room. But suddenly I heard some noise coming from the patio, I advanced with the wheelchair and I went there.

When I arrived I could not believe what I was seeing, the betrayal never thought had come true.

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