Hesitation~ Aaron x Reader

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Modern AU

You had the hots for Hercules...


Also, this didn't really turn out how I expected... it's not really much of an x reader, but I wrote this in like thirty minutes soooo, whatcha gon' do?

I'll have another one out don't worry.


You sigh as you stare at the empty shot in front of you. You were at the local bar and sat at the bar table, continuously ordering drinks. The bartender was an old friend of yours, and after explaining your predicament, he said the first beer was free.

But then you got a shot.

Then wine.

Another beer.

Another shot.

And now your ordering a 'club soda.'

Laf, the bartender, looks at you worried. "Give me your keys." He demands, holding out his hand. You give him a lifeless glare before sighing and reaching into your small purse. You search for your keys before handing them to your friend.

You watch as he grabs a glass and places it under the counter, making the strong alcoholic concoction. You'd had it once before, and it burned your throat long after you finished.

"So... Herc," he begins as he hands you the drink. You stare at the clear vodka in the clear glass before taking a big gulp. Like the first time, it burned your throat all the way down.

"Shut up. I'm here to drink, not talk." You grumble, your words slurring heavily. You kind of hated it. Kind of loved it. But you knew Laf downright hated it.

"I'm not gonna shut up, (Y/N). You're drinking your heart out here and for what? The man's a lowlife scrum!" As Laf ranted you find yourself regaining some life. But you immediately glare at your friend as he says, "besides, I warned you about this."

"The hell do you want? A trophy?" You snap as you bring the glass to your lips. Ice cubes inside of the glass cool your upper lip as the alcohol runs down your throat leaving a fiery aftertaste. It was a pleasant hot and cold mix.

"Look, no one here comes to start anything. I say you pick out someone and take him home, then ride 'em all not long!" Laf exclaims with a wide grin. You raise a brow but can't help to enjoy the idea.

"Ride him like that stank rode my boyfriend." You mumble to yourself but can tell Laf heard. Your friend let's out a half hearted laugh and you watch as he reached out and pats your head.

"Amour, sometimes you are too much." He says, using the nickname he had given you. He had began to use this when you you insisted upon learning French. You called him 'Cheri,' as that was the first word you learned.

You smile a little, the first one since an hour ago, and find yourself looking around the room. It wasn't long until you spotted a rather serious looking man towards the back. He had three shots and two glasses surrounding him, all empty. He had dark skin and from you could see was bald. But then again, the bar isn't the brightest place.

You let out a little sigh as you down the rest of your drinks the burning feeling practically non existent now. You set the glass down and pull out a twenty dollar bills then a ten.

"Two shots." You tell Laf as you hand him the money. He nods and takes it, quickly getting your ordered drinks. Soon enough, you were walking towards the man, shots in hand, head tall.

Memories flood your mind from the last time you had done this, and you pause a moment. He had tried to apologize... had said she'd threatened him. She did look off...

You push the thought aside, and all feelings you had with it. Continuing forward until you're in front of the man's table.

His head was down and you could now see that he did indeed have hair, though little of. You decide to slightly slam the shots as you set the down, and to your enjoyment, his head shoots up.

He looks at you with dulled brown eyes and a raised brow. Though his face shower no expression, you could tell he was confused.

With a heavy sigh, you slide one of the shots over to him and sit down across from his. You see some life come back to him as he looks for. The shot, then back to you.

"You seem like you've been threw a lot of shit." You him as you swirl your shot around, watching the drink inside swirl with it.

"So do you." He says, and your head shoots up at the sound of his voice. It was hoarse and balanced on the line of deep and soft. It was both hot and kind. You loved it.

"Caught my boyfriend screwing another woman. Of course, I shoulda seen it coming." You shrug before continuing. "My friend, the bartender, he dated him before me. Same thing happened." You hum, and with that, down your shot.

The man nods softly at your answer. "Sorry that happened." He says. You look at him with a gaze that insists upon him sharing his sorrow. Finally, he answers, "my best friend has been sleeping with my wife for a few months now." As he speaks, you can't help but feel joyous.

This is gonna be so easy.

"Damn, that sucks. What's his name?" You quiz. It helped when you told Lafayette the skanks name, Peggy. (I'm sorry Peggy I love you ;-;)

"Alexander," he spats the word like poison before he quickly downs his shot. You nod a bit and slide your empty glass to his pile.

"My name's (Y/N)." You speak causally. He looks at you for a moment, and you take in his featured. His lips were puckered in a serious line and his brows were slightly furrowed angrily. His eyes held passion and kindness with his right jaw said the opposite. He was definitely an odd man.

"Aaron Burr." The man says, a ghost smile falling into his features. You nod softly and soon you two delve into a drunken conversation.

It consisted mainly of your hate for your lovers. But you two also talked about your daily life. Jobs -apparently he was a lawyer. Friends -he only had one since he now disowned Alexander. Life style -he was rather casual but modern. And finally, favorite drink -he loved Sam Adams.

After about an hour of talking, you decide to take your drunken self and stand up. He watches you, confused of your sudden movement.

"Wanna head back to my place?" You ask boldly. Aaron's lips curl into a soft grin and you watch him start to stand.

But he hesitates.

You watch as his grin falls and he looks up at you with sorrowful eyes. You knew what was coming, and you sigh softly.

"I'm sorry, but... as much as I hate my wife right now, we're married. For better or for worse." As the words leave his mouth, dread falls onto you. "I can't... that'll just make me as bad as her."

You sigh and nod softly, forcing a smile. "That's only fair. You two took vows, I didn't. I have a get out of jail card." The smile fades a little as you wave goodbye.

You walk back to the bar table and see an anxious Laf walk over to you. You force a smile and watch as he hands you a shot.

"On the house," he grins, and watches as you immediately down it. "You're going to be so hungover, amour." He shakes his head as he speak.

You chuckle a little and nod softly. "Indeed I will Cheri..." and in the moment, your best friend is suddenly so captivating. His lips are suddenly undeniable. You shake your head, clear your mind.

You may have not made vows. May not have promised anything. But you weren't going to stoop to his level.

You refused.

Word count: 1338

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