Night Terrors...~ Laffy Taffy x Male Reader

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Not edited sorry ><

Requested by: SkyStudios  (If you want I'll re-do this ><)
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You sigh and run a hand through your hair, smoothing it out. You were on the sofa, your arms wrapped tightly around your boyfriend as he slept soundly. Well, as silently as he could manage.

You hadn't gotten a lick of sleep all night. Lafayette kept waking after nightmares. Sometimes he would shout. Sometimes he would scream. Once he fell off of the couch and rolled as if he were trying to run from something. You had fallen with him, and under any other circumstances would have laughed. But now was no laughing matter.

You learned soon after meeting Laf that he had a... mental illness. PTSD. The war took a toll on him and being a general, leading his men into battle... He felt the men that had died would be his fault. He didn't talk about it much, and usually decided to steer from it. But when it hit him... it hit him hard.

Lafayette had finally hit an hour of uninterrupted sleep. You feared closing you eyes, scared that he we would wake up. You were running your hand threw his hair which seemed to help, and if you fell asleep, you would stop.

You sighed and snuggled closer to your boyfriend, listening solemnly as his breathing quickened. You squeeze your eyes shut and continued playing with his hair. You listen as he lets out a pained gasp, his breathing fast.

"(Y-Y/N)! Amour w-where, where are you?!" Your heart broke as you hear Laf sob out. You quickly wrapped your arms around him to keep him from flailing.

"I'm right here Laffy... it's alright. We're in the small cabin down by Monticello. Jefferson came by yesterday and we had dinner together. Do you remember that? He made the God awful mac and cheese but we're too worried to tell him because then we wouldn't get free food." The reality check seemed to get Lafayette to calm down a bit. Even cracking a small smile at the last bit. You open your eyes and watch him wipe fresh tears from his eyes, old tears dried at his neck.

"Plus it is the only thing he knows how to cook." Laf added with a sigh. You smile a bit and watch as he relaxes some, but his eyes still portrayed fear. You kiss his cheek and nuzzle close to his neck, listening as his breathing finally evens out. You feel his arms wrap around you and soon you're laying on top of him.

You lay your head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat, smiling softly. Despite your best efforts, the sound lulls you into a dreamless sleep.

You aren't sure how long you were asleep. But when you woke you were alone on the couch. The sun had risen and it brightened the room. You groan a little and sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes, tiresome. You hear talking from the kitchen and furrow your brows confused.

You sigh and stand, bare feet hitting the cold wood as you hum softly. The feeling shot an odd sensation threw your bones, yet you liked it. You walk to the kitchen, your weight causing the floorboards to creek beneath you. Once you reach the kitchen, you see Thomas and Lafayette talking casually.

Lafayette's eyes were bloodshot and the bags underneath were oh so prominent. His hair was tattered and everywhere, though the ribbon was still holding it all in a bun. He had changed into jeans and a tee, both had tears in them.

Thomas on the other hand was the complete opposite. His eyes shown and you spotted no shadow underneath his eyes. His hair, though a curly mess as well, had obviously been combed. He wore his usual magenta color scheme, but this time it was more casual.

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